Crossover: The Fire Key Part 1

Beybulat Tasho – Human Galmarian Swashbuckler and only member of the Notorious Nine on this expedition. Still a little confused about the details of what is going on but happy to be traveling with new folks for a bit.

Kelathadan (aka Kelli) – Elf Rogue. Continuing to follow along and hang back until it’s time for action, at which point she proves deadly when her rapiers and daggers find the backs of her enemies.

Fernith (aka Fern) – Half-elf ranger. Twin sister of Fynn and deadly archer. Although not necessarily thrilled to dealing with fiery threats she’d never allow Fynn to go into danger on his own.

Fynnhannar (aka Fynn) – Half-elf sorcerer with an affinity for fire. Twin brother of Fern and absolutely thrilled to be traveling into a fiery realm on the Astral plane. Accompanied by his rat familiar, Mr. Cheese.

Jasper Conroy – Human cleric and something of an unofficial father figure for Fynn and Fern. Finds traveling to new lands and having new experiences to be something of a religious requirement.

Astral Plane, Date unknown

Tasked with tracking down and getting the Fire Planar Key, Jasper, Fern, Fynn, Bey and Kelli were told by Dillman and Aquibius that the first step would be finding the Ith’thannok Expanse, where the Planar Key of Fire was. To that end, Aquibius advised that they would need to visit a wizard named Wyrlish, who was said to know how to get there. Everyone except Beybulat was acquainted with Wyrlish from their last trip to the Astral Plane though they did not recall him being especially receptive to visitors and last time they had needed Xarth to smooth things over. 

“This one is not coming with you this time…”

As expected, the Wyrlish was displeased at having this studies interrupted, but they were able to convince him to help, though he’d only agree to do so if they bested him in a game of chess. Fynn agreed to play him, though things got off to a rough start, and Fynn’s inexperience in the game showed. However soon Wrylish’s over-confidence worked against him as Fynn began taking several of the wizard’s pawns. Unfortunately it was not enough to defeat the far more skilled Wyrilsh, who laughed gloatingly upon his victory. 

Wrylish the wizard is not what might be described as a gracious winner.

“Ok, you lost,” Wyrlish announced. “Now get out.” 

Jasper offered instead to make him a magical feast for information and Wrylish agreed, as he hadn’t eaten in years (food not being neccessary for survival in the Astral Plane). Jasper called upon his god Namas to conjure a vast feast and Wrylish agreed to tell them what he knew in exchange for the sumptuous meal. 

Wyrlish stated that he sensed a great magical disturbance from the Ith’thannok Expanse and that a Spelljammer ship could likely take them there. He directed them to the Swallowed City to find a Spelljammer captain and crew. He offered to show them there, and when Jasper agreed Wrylish yelled “Skolax” causing one of the statues in his home to come to life, revealing that it was a gargoyle. 

He ordered it to take them to the Swallowed City, help if he wanted, and to not bring them back to his home. Skolax led them away, and Jasper asked the gargoyle about his history. Skolox revealed he was a magical creature who guarded his master, a wizard, on his home world. 


“There are rivalries between wizards there,” Skolox explained, his voice sounding something like two rocks crushing gravel. “When my master was attacked by a rival I was caught up in the battle and teleported to the Astral Plane, where I eventually came into the service of Wrylish.” 

Before they could talk much more the group encountered a tiger humanoid who identified himself as Chargain and demanded they help him return to the Prime Material Plane. 


“We can’t do that. We don’t have the ability.” Fynn deadpanned. 

The creature swore and demanded they give him a boon or tithe. 

“What will you give us?” Fynn asked, and Chargain agreed to barter with them. After talking back and forth, where the creature provided no concrete evidence of his magical ability or possession of magical items worth bartering, Fynn declared “You don’t have any power at all do you.” 

“Of course I do!” he spat back angrily and waved his staff, causing a quartet of winged snakes to appear. Jasper quickly drew an amulet and offered it in trade, but Chargain ordered his creatures to attack. 

Bey floated himself towards the nearest winged snake to try to attack it, but maneuvering through the Astral was difficult and he blew past it. Unable to reach his target he drew his gnomish weapon, the Punchstabbing Dartflinger, and fired a poisoned dart at it instead, striking the creature. 

The Punchstabbing Dartflinger

Skolax moved to attack Chargain, but overshot him and flew past, fruitlessly swiping at him. Fynn, for his part, conjured a pair of small fire elementals to appear in front of two of the winged snakes, and they immediately engaged the creatures. He then drew a magical compass that helped him navigate the astral and handed it off to Kelli, figuring it was more important that she be able to maneuver in battle than him. 

Chargain moved and began to cast a spell on Skolax, who then concentrated incredibly hard and his head tilted as though he was considering something deeply or perhaps hearing a voice no one else could hear. Chargain then followed up by casting a magical acid spell at Fynn, but missing. 

Jasper tried to talk Chargain down, but he refused to listen. Mumbling a complaint about not knowing when he will be able to rest again, Jasper cast a spell that caused a spear of pure light at one of the nearby winged snakes, destroying it instantly. He followed by casting a spell that caused a floating hooked chain to appear near Chargain and engage him, though he was able to block its attack. 

Armed with Fynn’s magical compass, Kelli pirouetted and maneuvered insanely around the field, coming to rest behind one of the snakes fighting one of Fynn’s fire elementals and skewered it with her rapier. 

One of the the snakes attacked an elemental, taking far more damage for biting fire than it inflicted, while the other charged Fynn, barely missing the sorcerer. One of his summoned elementals, however, clumsily moved to interpose itself between him and the snake, striking the creature in the process and setting it on fire. Jasper joined in by beating the winged snake several times, inflicting minimal damage. Fern followed up immediately with her bow, however, shooting the creature 3 times and killing it and carrying it off away from the battle. 

Bey, trying to get his bearings, was unable to stop his momentum and drifted further and further from the battle. 

Fynn then conjured a flaming sphere, placing it straight on the tiger creature. Not quite realizing that Fynn was responsible for most of the spells, Chargain fired a lightning bolt from his staff at Kelli, who was fortunately able to avoid the blast. He followed up with a Magic Missile spell instead, and 5 yellowish orange blasts of magical energy slammed into Kelli. In retaliation the elf maneuvered herself over to Chargain, stabbing him with her rapier and wounding him quite badly. 

Only one of the winged snakes remained alive, and it flew towards Kelli, as she was attacking the tiger creature, but it missed and flew by. 

Bey finally managed to control his movement and flew towards the tiger creature, giving him a grievous wound to his hip. 

The fire elementals went in after the tiger creature as well, however the first one could not control itself and tumbled away spinning, and the other passed under him and kept going as well. Fynn waved his hand and the burning sphere moved onto the creature, burning him. 

Chargain suddenly surrendered, offering to give them boons if they spared his life. He banished his last surviving snake creature upon Kelli’s demand and Jasper accepted the creature’s surrender, approaching him. 

The creature promised not to harm them and had to cast a spell to grant the promised boons. He spoke a word of magic and a small box with intricate carvings on all sides appeared. 

Fynn cast a divination spell upon it and determined that it radiated necromancy, abjuration and evocation magics and that it required one spell of each type cast upon it to activate it. He could not make out the runes, but Kelli recognized them as belonging to an insectoid race native to the Astral Plane called the D’ziriak. This allowed Fynn to cast a spell that allowed him to translate the runes. He used that to determine that the spells needed to open it were Quell Energy, Animate Dead and Wind Wall

Chargain also also warned them that a powerful force has disturbed the fabric in the It’honnak Expanse and that something created gravity there. He also warned that he met an ice devil traveling towards the expanse and that it dismissed him stating he had more important business. True to their word, the party allowed Chargain to depart. 

The group, now joined by Fynn’s summoned Fire Elementals, continued their trek to the Swallowed City.

“DM’s” Notes: I put DM in quotes here because I was not the DM for this one, my co-DM Tim was. Still, IMHO this was a good start of the “Fire Team” on their quest. We hadn’t intended for this one to be half of the Fate Fighters+Bey but overall it seemed to be working out alright, the oddities of fighting while floating in the Astral Plane notwithstanding.

The real question now was what they would find once they reached the Swallowed City.

Crossover: The Water Key Part 4

Dame Edella Montfort – Human Paladin member of the Notorious Nine. Cheery, Stalwart champion of justice. Though out of her element she is determined to do what is needed to save the day.

Elriel (aka “the Opal”) – Elven Druid member of the Fate Fighters. Not the most personable of elves, but good hearted and powerful. Seems to prefer to remain the shape of a large tiger, but willing to take his normal form as needed. Currently in the form of a large water elemental.

Raskin Daggermaw – Half-Orc Rogue member of the Notorious Nine. Surly and braggadocious, he seems to be helping begrudgingly, but looks forward to using his skills at violence and (hopefully) getting paid.

Ron Cunningham – Halfling Bard member of the Notorious Nine. Good natured and willing to ride along for another adventure, crazy as this one seems to be. His artistic stylings are strange, but his magic is powerful.

Wu Xen – Human Monk/Cleric member of the Fate Fighters. Disciplined and holy, he seeks to do good and help to defeat the evil that threatens the Astral Plane. Nobody but Edella seems interested in his stories and parables.

Furreltuff “Furrel” Mellburrow – NPC Kender “handler.” Originally just a (mediocre at best) guide Furrel has decided to stick around and help. The fact that he has no idea what a Planar Key is or where might be found in no way deters him. Currently in the form of a small sheep.

The Living Sea, Astral Plane. Date unknown.

The the Sahuagin all slain, the group was left only with an enormous pile of treasure and the Planar Key they came for to collect. Edella ran to Ron, who had been injured and stunned when Furreltuff grabbed the planar key without checking for magical traps. He swam over and bleated sadly to see Ron inured.

“See,” Edella admonished, examining Ron. “This is why I said to hold off on getting it until after the battle.”

Furrel bleated sadly. Fortunately Ron was not badly hurt and Edella applied some healing to the entire party. Raskin barely waited to be healed before he immediately began shoveling coin into his backpack. Furrel followed him bleating insistently.

“Oh, you want some buddy? Here you go.” Raskin said, shoving some coin into his wool coat. Furrel merely shook it out again and kept bleating while Edella collected the Planar Key from him.

Opal, figuring it would be eaiser to work out what the kender wanted if he was no longer a sheep, cast Dispel Magic upon him, returning him to his Kender form.

“Wow! That was awesome to be a sheep” Furrel blurted excitedly. “Too bad I didn’t get to eat any grass. I guess I could eat grass now that I’m a kender again, but I bet it tastes better as a sheep.”

“Uh huh,” Raskin said, contining to shovel coins into his pack.

“Anyway,” Furrel continued, reminded of what he was trying to say as a sheep. “this money was all stolen from the people of Wativia. We should give it back!”

“That is the right thing to do Raskin…” Edella chimed in immediately.

“I concur,” Wu added.

“Look, I killed a lot of Sahuagin. We earned this money. You can do what you want but I’m getting paid.”

“I’m sure the town will reward us if we take it back to them,” Edella said.

“That’s true!” Furrel added. “The mayor is a pretty nice guy I bet he’d give us a reward for sure!”

Raskin grunted. “I’m rewarding myself, thanks.”

Edella, seeing that she would not convince Raskin, sought instead to mitigate his greet in an effort to help the people of Wativia. “Very well Raskin, you can take whatever can fit into your pack and that’s it. We’ll return the rest.”

“A generous compromise,” Wu agreed.

“Fiiiiiine,” Raskin agreed rolling his eyes.

Edella apologized to Wu for Raskin’s actoins. “Its the best I could negotiate out of him,” she explained.

“You’ve no need to apologize,” the monk assured her. “I’ve one very much like him among my companions too.”

I can’t imagine whom he’s referring to…

Among the treasures they also found a small chest with the markings of the church they’d visited while in Wativia. Opal identified the sigil and remarked that the cleric there, Maelinnus, had commented that much of his wares had also been stolen by the Sahuagin.

Edella proceeded to search the Sahuagin minions, figuring that their belongings were spoils of war and thus fair game, and collected the items they found to be divvied up among both groups once they were all together.

Eventually Raskin’s bag would hold no more coins and the others had gathered up the remainder to take back to Wativia and they departed. Soon enough they reached the town and Furrel suggested they visit the mayor, K’vell, to give them back their goods.

K’vell turned out to be an old water gnossi. He initially greeted Furrel with suspicion, reminding the kender that he had banished him for causing trouble that prompted the Sahuagin to retaliate on the town.

K’vell, the mayor of Wativia

Chagrined, Furrel stumbled over his words attempting to explain himself, but Edella stepped in and assured the mayor that they would have no further trouble from the Sahuagin or their aboleth lord, Ku’lub’thig.

Overjoyed, the mayor thanked them profusely and this only intensified when they reveled that they’d brought as much of the treasure as they could carry back for the town.

“There will be an immense celebration!” K’vell promised. “Please, stay and be our guests of honor!”

“I’m afraid we are on a quest that is somewhat time sensitive,” Edella explained. “Otherwise we would love to.”

“Well, in that case please, chose an item or some coin as a reward from what you’ve brought back. You’ve earned it! I insist.”

“Well, if you insist…” Raskin began.

Edella gave Raskin a look but seemed reluctant to call him out in front of others for his greed. Wu held no such compunction, however. “I believe that you already claimed your reward for your actions, Goodman Daggermaw, in the from of the thousands of coins in your pack, did you not?”

“I did murder a lot of Sahuagin,” Raskin muttered under his breath, but he was chagrined nonetheless.

The mayor sent for Maelinnus and with his help he quickly identified the magical items recovered. Opal claimed a small ebony figurine of a fly that could magically transform into a fly large enough to ride. Wu took a pair of silk slippers that would allow him to walk upon walls. Edella claimed a Wand of Eagle Splendor and Ron too a magical obsidian Longsword, despite the fact that it was not sized for a halfling. Furrel claimed an oddly colored seashell that was among the treasure and held no magical properties. The mayor also lifted his exile and Furrel declared that he would remain behind to partake in the festivities. Opal wished to do so as well, but reluctantly agreed with Edella and Wu that they should return with the Planar Key as soon as possible.

The group departed Wativia and Opal led them back the way they came through the Living Sea, eventually emerging into the Astral Plane proper. In the distance they saw the gnomish ship that they’d ridden on earlier, somehow towed back out of the water.

Gnimmin was hard at work repairing the vessel and Blash greeted the group and again offered his services and wares…for a price. Unfortunately he did not have a way to magically get them back to the asteroid where their companions were, so they were forced to head out into the Astral. Again, Opal recalled the way back and after taking a wide berth around an enormous number of mirrors that were simply floating in the ether, they eventually arrived.

They found that the group who had sought the Earth Key had beaten them back and sat around playing cards with Sir Imlott. They group joined them and they began comparing notes and discussing their missions. Few noticed right away that Opal and Delilah had been chatting intensely and had wandered off to be alone for a time.

They now had only to wait for the final group, the one that had sought the Fire Key, to return before they could continue their quest.

DM’s Notes: This was mostly an after adventure session. The group had only to collect their treasure and decide what to do with it. Raskin, sadly, was with the wrong group if he wanted to keep it all, and he probably belatedly regretted going on the mission with the Paladin and the Monk.

The only question now was how the group that was going after the Fire Key was doing…

Crossover: The Water Key part 3

Dame Edella Montfort – Human Paladin member of the Notorious Nine. Cheery, Stalwart champion of justice. Though out of her element she is determined to do what is needed to save the day.

Elriel (aka “the Opal”) – Elven Druid member of the Fate Fighters. Not the most personable of elves, but good hearted and powerful. Seems to prefer to remain the shape of a large tiger, but willing to take his normal form as needed. Currently in the form of a large water elemental.

Raskin Daggermaw – Half-Orc Rogue member of the Notorious Nine. Surly and braggadocious, he seems to be helping begrudgingly, but looks forward to using his skills at violence and (hopefully) getting paid.

Ron Cunningham – Halfling Bard member of the Notorious Nine. Good natured and willing to ride along for another adventure, crazy as this one seems to be. His artistic stylings are strange, but his magic is powerful.

Wu Xen – Human Monk/Cleric member of the Fate Fighters. Disciplined and holy, he seeks to do good and help to defeat the evil that threatens the Astral Plane. Nobody but Edella seems interested in his stories and parables.

Furreltuff “Furrel” Mellburrow – NPC Kender “handler.” Originally just a (mediocre at best) guide Furrel has decided to stick around and help. The fact that he has no idea what a Planar Key is or where might be found in no way deters him.

The Living Sea, Astral Plane. Date unknown.

Opal had just enough time to warn Wu, who was just swimming up to the tower, that he had heard voices below. The monk attempted to swim below the window to the tower so he could ambush any Sahuagin that might come to investigate.

He had barely hidden when two of the creatures emerged and, spotting Opal in the form of a water elemental, said something to him in a language neither Opal nor Wu understood. When they failed to get an answer, the creatures began to yell loudly and attacked. Wu swam into the tower and unsuccessfully attempted to grapple one, while Opal began pummeling the other.

The rest of the group, seeing that things had turned into a full battle, began to swim to that tower as quickly as they could. Edella swam to one of the towers as quickly as she could, aided considerably by a spell that Opal had cast on her. Drawing a magical Rod of Darkness to be able to see in the murky darkness, the paladin managed to get into the tower and strike one of the Sahuagin, though it did not do much damage.

While the others swam to the tower, hampered by the water, Wu was able to grapple the Sahuagin he had attacked, putting it in a chokehold, so it could not continue calling for help. Opal meanwhile pummeled the other Sahuagin to death, before also killing the one Wu was holding.

Another call came up from down the tower as the rest of the group arrived. None knew the language, but Edella’s magical trident, the Mermaid’s Spear (which went by the nickname “Wave“) did. It told the paladin that the Sahuagin below were asking their companions if all was well. With Wave feeding her the words, Edella tried to answer back that all was well, but her inability to bluff caused the Sahuagin to immediately realize that it was a ploy.

Realizing the jig was up, they all began to swim down the hole that led into the main keep.

Opal, in his form as a water elemental, was fastest and got down into the keep first. As outside the walls were all made of coral and the furniture seemed to be made of stone, coral or just carved straight into the walls. The room he was in held a weapon rack and what looked to be a wardrobe carved into the coral wall. Opal spied one Sahuagin in the room and another beyond him in the main welcome hall, seemingly ready to flee for help. Opal engaged the nearer one, pummeling it badly. Edella swam down next, using her spell to swim straight past the nearer Sahuagin and impaled the Sahuagin preparing to flee with Wave, striking it down. A moment later Opal finished off the other Sahuagin and the others joined them.

“So, what’s up. Is the alarm sounded?” Raskin asked Wu, who had arrived in the room a moment before him.

“I do not know,” the monk admitted. “A couple of them were able to scream, but so far there has been no response. Still, it would be prudent to presume an alarm has been sounded.” 

Despite Wu’s feelings, no counterattack immediately came, and so they regrouped before continuing into a nearby room that had some comfortable looking benches and chairs carved out of coral and a small stone table. Raskin offered to sneak ahead and scout the path out of this room, finding himself in a corridor. 

They continued on through a room that had a large amount of shelves carved into the coral walls and several “books” on them consisting of thin sheets of slate bound together. A few tables and chairs made of coral or stone led them to conclude they had found the library.

Continuing through the group came upon a junk room and while searching it found a magical scroll written on sealskin. This prompted them to backtrack to the library where Ron and Opal used Detect Magic to find a few more scrolls in with the books.

While they were in the library, though, a number of Sahuagin soon entered the room. It seemed some form of warning or alarm had, indeed, taken place. The creatures swam into the room en masse, tridents at the ready.

Edella immediately swam out to engage them, wounding one of the creatures with the Mermaid’s Spear before getting charged by another. Raskin swam over and knifed the creature in the face so brutally that several of the Sahuagin immediately fled. One of them swam past Edella and she struck it down as it went.

One of the braver Sahuagin swam up behind Raskin, evidently hoping to take out this terrifying half-orc, wounding him with his trident. It did not watch it’s flanks, however, because Furreltuff then swam up behind IT, impaling it with the spearpoint of his hoopack staff and killing it.

A flurry of crossbow bolts assailed them from down the corridor where more Sahuagin had arrived but Opal decided to put a quick end to the combat. Still in the form of a Water Elemental, he turned into a living whirlpool and began to go down the corridor, sucking up the Sahuagin, battering them and spitting them out. Any that survived this brutal attack were soon struck down by Raskin, and, Furrel. A pair of Sahuagin crossbowman had ducked into a room in the north, but Edella and Wu pursued them and slew the creatures. With the fight quickly over Edella administered healing and they continued to explore the Coral Castle.

In short order they found a large hole in the floor that seemed to lead deeper into the complex. Opal, still in the form of a water elemental, swam down to investigate. He immediately found himself before several lines of crosbow wielding Sahuagin, several of whom loosed their bolts. Retreating in among the hail of bolts, Opal went back to the others to get healing and advise the of what was ahead.

They formed up and decided a charge with Shock and Awe was the best method forward. Transforming himself into a whirlpool again, Opal led the charge. Behind him were Edella and Wu, with Raskin, Furrel and Ron bringing up the rear.

“If you got any tricks to blast them with now’s a good time,” Raskin said to the group.

“I do have one or two more in the staff, but Alexi and especially Edrick said I shouldn’t use them…” Furrel advised.

“Eh, screw ’em. I’m sure it’ll be fine. Do it little man!” Raskin assured him.

“Ok! I will!” The kender responded excitedly.

Opal hit the lower floor and charged immediately, again suffering a withering fire of crossbow fire, but quickly absorbing four of the attackers in his whirlpool form.

Past the first line of Sahuagin he could see several more of the creatures and, seanted on a huge stone throne, an enormous three eyed creature with four long tentacles writhing from this its flanks, its green body glistening with thick, clear slime. It began to speak but none knew the language it was using. Fortunately Edella had drank a Potion of Comprehend Languages and could understand it.

“Who dares disturb the sanctuary of Lord Ku’lub’thig?” It demanded.

“Can you understand me?” Edella asked.

“Your worthless mewling mean nothing,” the creature continued, not seeming to comprehend the paladin’s words. “You will receive no mercy from me.”

Lord Ku’lub’thig

Before anyone else could act, however, the coral walls that led to the throne room began to stretch and grow, closing off the room. Raskin, Wu, Furrel and Edella swam in to back Opal up and fight the Sahuagin that were still near them. Opal also used his magic to summon another water elemental to help him.

Before Ron could swim in to join his companions, however, the coral walls seemed to close on him as well, separating him from the others. The Sahuagin were swiftly slain and Opal and his elemental continued to scout ahead followed slowly by the others.

As they began to move from the chamber they were in to follow Opal and his elemental, Ku’lub’thig suddenly appeared behind them. Wu and Furrel spotted the creature’s sudden appearance and called a warning to the others.

Raskin charged Ku’lub’thig but his Onyx Razor passed harmlessly through it. Furrel followed suit, but his hoopack also did not harm it.

“Uh…I can’t seem to hurt it, Edella. We may need your help…” Raskin called back to his companions.

“Is it an illusion?” Edella asked, thinking of some of the ideas and magics that Froderik often told her about in their private time together.

“I don’t think so,” Raskin replied. “I think it’s just real powerful or something…”

“Definatley not an illusion!” Furrel added hastily as his hoopack attack went harmless through the creature.

At this, Wu and Edella quickly swam back to help their companions, and Opal did likewise taking up a position on the other side of the creature (followed by his summoned water elemental.)

Unsure of what to do to try to affect the enemy Furrel shouted “I have an idea but it might not be effective…”

The kender was looking to Edella, the obvious knight in shining armor when he said this, but Raskin spoke first barking “Do it!”

“Ok!” Furrel replied eagerly and began spinning the hoopack staff above his head before bringing it down as if slamming it on the ground and uttering a command word. Unfortunately it was obvious that the magic went wrong, and instead of whatever he meant to do, he merely transformed into a small sheep.

Raskin: “Uh…was that supposed to help?”

Edella then attacked Ku’lub’thig and the Mermaid’s Spear went right thorough it. She immediately figured out it was an illusion and called that to her companions.

“Opal, is there a path around to the throne room?” She asked. He barely had a chance to respond, however, before his own summoned water elemental attacked him, slamming him in the back. He quickly dismissed it, though he wasn’t quite sure what had happened.

“I guess we’ll have to go around since this thing is too cowardly to fight us.” Edella said, taunting Ku’lub’thig.

“Is that what I’m doing?” the illusion asked, before somehow managing to flip them off with his tentacles and vanishing.

“Yes,” Edella said to the empty air. She then collected Furrel, who seemed unable to remedy his situation, and put him into her backpack with his upper torso and head sticking out. He bleated in response and licked her face.

They group then swam around the way Opal told them was another entrance to the throne room. There they found several more Sahuagin and an enormous water elemental. Opal used the vortex power of his own water elemental form to go around and suck in the Sahuagin and kill them while Wu, Edella, and Raskin engaged the elemental.

Wu and Edella laid into the creature with all they had, but were hardly wounding it. Meanwhile the elemental was slamming into them with increasingly powerful blows that saw both noble warriors forced to heal themselves and keep fighting what seemed like it could have been a losing battle.

Ron, meanwhile, was able to determine that the coral wall that had separated him from his friends was an illusion, but he strongly suspected that it had addiitonal magic that would harm him if he tried to pass through it. He explored to find another way to find his friends, but could find none. Eventually he gritted his teeth and walked through the illusary wall, suffering from no ill effect and soon he was able to the others just in time.

Upon seeing his friends battling the enormous Water Elemental he cast Glitterdust and blinded the elemental and the Sahuagin near it.

Meanwhile, aided by the elemental’s blindness, Edella and Raskin kept whaling away on it, aided by Ron’s magical singing, while Opal was able to scoop up the remaining Sahuagin and kill them. Edella and Wu rallied and struck a series of devastating blows on the Elemental, with Wu finishing it off by striking the same vulnerable spot over and over.

Opal finished off the last, blind Sahuagin that he had absorbed. With no sign of Ku’lub’thig and several of his Sahuagin , Edella and Wu administered some healing and they began to look around, with Opal and Ron using Detect Magic and Edella using Detect Evil. They learned that the enormous stone throne was enchanted. Opal was convinced it was actually an illusion, but Ron diplomatically assured him it was real and enchanted to summon a Water Elemental, presumably the one they’d just fought. Further exploration of nearby rooms turned up some small amounts of treasure but no indication of their quarry or the Planar Key.

Eventually Raskin had the idea to search the throne, speculating that Ku’lub’thig had a “coward hole”.

“What’s a coward hole?” Edella asked.

“You know, a hole for a noble to escape battle. A coward hole,” the half-orc replied simply. He soon found a small button that caused it to slide to the side, revealing a hole leading down. “See. A coward hole”

They headed down the hole, with Opal in the lead. He reached the bottom and saw Ku’lub’thig as well as a warrior Sahuagin and a cleric Sahuagin . They were joined by an octopus as well as an enormous tentacles creature.

The Octopus immediately acted, blasting Opal with a jet of ink, casting the bottom of the hole in concealment and completely enveloping Opal.

Raskin swam down past Opal, groping his way through the ink. He was barely out when another Sahuagin snuck out from behind a large stalagmite and attempted to backstab him. Fortunately Raskin saw him coming with enough time to turn and make it merely a flesh wound.

“Ooooh, you’re quite good…” the Sahuagin rogue spat.

Raskin had no time to gloat, however, as the huge water creature lashed out at him with several tentacles, causing the half-orc to duck and weave to avoid being hit.

Meanwhile, Opal had turned his Water Elemental form into a Vortex and went straight for the Octopus and the warrior Sahuagin, sucking them both up. The Octopus vanished immediately, causing Opal to suspect it was a summoned creature. The Sahuagin warrior, on the other hand, responded by simply screaming in a rage and trying to kill Opal from within the vortex.

Ron, still in the tunnel, cast dimension door and brought Edella, Wu, Furrel (still in the form of a sheep) and himself into the room, and Edella offered prayer to Vesper to allow her allies to help her smite the evil creatures within.

They immediately targeted the huge being, with Wu going first and striking it with the holy power of Vesper that Edella granted him. Furrel, despite his current form, was eager to join the fight and swam out at the Sahuagin that had stabbed Raskin, biting it. With the power of Vesper he dealt a massive wound to the creature, causing it to withdraw. It swam to the wall and manipulated some sort of mechanism, opening a secret door through witch it fled.

Rather than give chance Raskin swam to the huge creature Wu had attacked and plunged his dagger into the beast. He was perplexed when he drew no blood, however. Edella soon swam up as well, finishing it off with a flurry of attacks from the Mermaid’s Spear.

As soon as the creature fell the entire room seemed to change. The stalagmites all vanished and were revealed to be enormous piles of treasure. Additionally the shape of the slain beast changed to reveal the body of Ku’lub’thig, while what they thought was Ku’lub’thig vanished. They quickly realized the creature had used illusions to disguise things. Of the most interest, however, was a glowing blue cube suspended in the water and surrounded by some sort of green energy. Raskin, for his part, stood gobsmacked at all the gold for a moment.

Ron cast Detect Magic on the cube and was briefly blinded by how magical it was. “Ow. I think we found it. Very magic…very magic,” the halfling muttered.

Furreltuff, upon seeing the Planar Key, immediately swam to it, but Edella was able to scoop him up and prevent him from getting to it. He urged the kender to wait until it was fully examined before touching it.

Meanwhile, Opal continued to bash the Sahuagin barbarian in his vortex form and had picked up the cleric as well. The barbarian continued to fight from within, while the cleric managed to slip out and follow the one who had ambushed Raskin earlier and fled through the secret door. Opal soon spat the Barbarian out so that he could be slain by his allies. Furrel enthusiastically jumped at him, but missed and landed in a pile of coins. Raskin and Edella soon finished off the warrior though.

Edella, concerned about what the two fleeing Sahuagin might be up to gave chase, easily opening the secret door and finding the cleric with a few other Sahuagin.

“We should just leave them, we have the money and…er… the key thingie…” Raskin advised.

“Yes, but we can’t just stir up this hornets nest and leave or they’ll take it out on the town,” Edella reminded him. This was followed by a bleat from Furrel that seemed to agree with her.

“Dame Edella is correct,” Wu added. “We mad a promise to ensure these creatures no longer hurt the people of the nearby town.”

“Ugh…whatever,” Raskin muttered.

Edella and Wu swam towards the cleric and other Sahuagin and realized, too late, that they were in a room that held two large pens full of sharks only held in place by two large nets. Indeed, as soon as the two entered the room a pair of unarmed Sahuagin opened those nets commanded the sharks to attack. Rapidly the beasts filled the room and attacked Edella and Wu. Opal soon came into the room, grabbing up what sharks and Sahuagin he could.

Raskin, for his part, opted to stay in the treasure room and guard Ron and Furrel, barely hiding his desire to not risk losing access to the treasure. He too came under attack, however, as a number of Sahuagin from other parts of the castle attacked him.

What followed was a flurry of bloody attacks with Wu and Edella surrounded by sharks, fighting back to back slaying the creatures, while Opal scooped up as many as he could to bludgeon to death in his vortex form. Near the treasure room Raskin single handled slew the five Sahuagin that attacked him, brutally knifing them with Onyx Razor. Midway through the fight the group heard an explosion from the treasure room and saw a flash of green light.

Only one Sahuagin seemed to escape, and it was one of the unarmed shark wranglers who had avoided combat, fleeing out of the castle and into the distance when it became clear his companions were slain and his beloved sharks all killed.

Once the battle was over, the group returned to the treasure room (passing the carnage at the doorway of Raskin’s battle) to find Furreltuff holding the Planar Key in his mouth. Ron was nearby and stunned from the magical explosion the kender had set off.

“Look what I found. I mean…Baaaah”

“Furrel!” Edella chided. “I told you to wait!” A slightly chastised bleat was the only response she received.

The group decided to pull into the treasure room for healing and to attend to Ron before determining their next step.

DM’s Notes: This battle took place over a series of sessions over a kind of long period of time due to player availability issues an some holiday delays. It was a little sloggy, but I wanted to the castle to seem realistically populated with enough Sahuagin to terrorize a town.

The challenge of creating a spherical 3-D dungeon in an underwater realm with no gravity proved difficult, and while I’m sure I did ok at best, my players are wonderful and ran with it and seemed to grasp things. I feel like it would have gone better had Roll20 not performed an update which undid all of the dynamic lighting work I’d performed, but that is neither here nor there. At the end of the day, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and that’s the important part.

Crossover: The Water Key part 2

Dame Edella Montfort – Human Paladin member of the Notorious Nine. Cheery, Stalwart champion of justice. Though out of her element she is determined to do what is needed to save the day.

Elriel (aka “the Opal”) – Elven Druid member of the Fate Fighters. Not the most personable of elves, but good hearted and powerful. Seems to prefer to remain the shape of a large tiger, but willing to take his normal form as needed.

Raskin Daggermaw – Half-Orc Rogue member of the Notorious Nine. Surly and braggadocious, he seems to be helping begrudgingly, but looks forward to using his skills at violence and (hopefully) getting paid.

Ron Cunningham – Halfling Bard member of the Notorious Nine. Good natured and willing to ride along for another adventure, crazy as this one seems to be. His artistic stylings are strange, but his magic is powerful.

Wu Xen – Human Monk/Cleric member of the Fate Fighters. Disciplined and holy, he seeks to do good and help to defeat the evil that threatens the Astral Plane. Nobody but Edella seems interested in his stories and parables.

Furreltuff “Furrel” Mellburrow – NPC Kender “handler.” Said to be able to lead the group to the town of Wativia and from there the location of the Planar Key of Water. Although excited at the news, Furrel has no idea what a Planar Key is or where might be found. That won’t stop him from trying though.

Gnimin – NPC Gnome Tinkerer. Captain and creator of an experimental submarine and happy to give the group a ride to Wativia. Friends with Furrel and Blash.

Blash – NPC Undine Sorcerer – Friend of Gnimin and Furrel. Offers his water breathing spells and wares…for a price.

Living Sea, Astral Plane. Date unknown

Gnimin led the group into his experimental submarine, the Underwatership thatglidesthroughthewaterlikeabrickpronetocatchingfirebutwillonedaydoitlikeanentirelynon-flammablefishormaybeeel. Within the small cramped vessel there was a chair in the middle of it that had a series of machines, ropes, pulleys, a periscope and other bells and whistles next to it. At the front and back are two seats that have pedals that could be used to get the engine moving and keep it going, along with a furnace connected to it for extra energy. There were a number of periscopes scattered around the sides of the ship with odd contraptions near them that Ron identified as some sort of weapons to defend the ship from outside attack. 

The submarine

Gnimin took a seat in the pilot’s chair and Edella, Raskin, Opal and Wu agreed to take pedal stations to help propel the ship. Furreltuff began to give directions to Gnimin to direct them to the underwater town of Wativa, though Opal and Wu quickly realized that he was awful at giving directions.

Despite Furrel’s bad directions, the journey started off well enough, though Raskin muttered constantly to himself how he felt like this ship was a deathtrap. After nearly an hour into the journey Gnimin, peering through a periscope, spied something. “Can you see that as well?” he asked, and Ron ran to one of the weapon stations to use the periscope there, quickly identifying three large Water Elementals coming straight for the ship.

“This happens sometimes,” Blash explained. “This ship is made of wood and metal and the Elementals don’t like it intruding on their realm.”

“Hardtoport!” Gnimin yelled, his words so fast they began to blend together. “Pedal!Fueltothefurnace!”

Everyone at the pedal stations began to give it their all, and Blash threw some strange bluish charcoal into the furnace to give extra speed. They were able to quickly outpace the Elementals and escape, but Blash threw too much fuel in and the furnace began to belch black smoke into the ship, choking everyone and making it hard for some to see. Even worse, Ferrel could not catch his breath and blacked out. 

“Riseriserise!” Gnimin yelled, coughing and working the pullies near his chair as he spoke. “Keeppedaling!” 

Wu, feeling Furrel may not have much time, leapt from his station while the others kept pedaling. The monk ran to Furrel and cast Air Bubble on him, which would allow him to keep breathing despite the choking smoke. 

Soon enough the ship hit the surface, and Gnimin was able to open the hatch and allow the smoke to pour out of the cabin while everyone climbed to the top of the ship to catch their breath. 

After the ship had aired out they went back in, despite Raskin’s now somewhat less quiet complaining about how the ship was a deathtrap. The journey continued on without incident and Furrell announced he felt they were very close to Wativia. However, the ship suddenly shuttered as if struck hard by something. Checking the Periscopes they saw that the Water Elementals had returned and struck the ship. After another shutter, however, the engine was thrown off it’s moorings, resulting in a huge explosion. 

Everyone on the ship was wounded, but survived. Worse, however, was that the blast had blown a hole in the ship and they were taking on water very fast. “Weneedtosurfaceandstoptheleak!” Gnimin shouted, setting the course back to surface.

With the frantic pedaling of Raskin, Edella, Wu and Opal they were able to breech the surface. Gnimin shouted that they had to patch the leak or the ship would still sink and he, Blash, and Wu began to try to patch the ship while everyone else climbed out to attempt to fight the elementals. 

The elementals came to the side of the ship and attacked Raskin and Ron, injuring them. 

Furrel, hefting his strange sling staff, asked Edella if he should use fire or lightning. Edella suggested lighting, and Furrel held the staff up, its bottom pointed at an elemental and shouted “Bind!” Suddenly a huge lightning bolt flew from the end of the staff, striking the elemental and seeming to injure it. 

More than just an ordinary staff…sling…spear…thingie

Opal followed suit, casting Call Lightning, injuring the same elemental. Edella ran up and stabbed it with her ranseur and Raskin leapt into the water to try to get a flank and stab the elemental. He struck it, but it was hard to tell if he and Edella were hurting it. 

Realizing that Raskin’s usual flanking attacks were not as effective, Ron leaped into the water (getting smacked hard by an elemental on the way) and teleported Raskin back onto the ship. The elementals attacked both Raskin and Furrel, and the kender fell back, activating his staff again and causing small fiery meteors to fall from the sky, slaying one of the elementals and injuring the other. The other was injured further when Opal directed two more lightning bolts at it from the stormcloud that he had conjured. 

Raskin, spotting something in the distance pointed. “Uh, guys. The third one is on its way.” 

Edella turned to attack the one that had struck Furrel, destroying it in a flurry of impressive blows from her ranseur. By then the final elemental was upon them. Raskin attempted to keep it’s attention on him, as he’d come to realize he could not stab a living wave of water in the organs since it didn’t have any. While the half-orc distracted, Ferrel drew his short sword, which had a strange blueish blade, and attack the creature. He fumbled the blade, however, and it fell in the water. 

“Frosty no!” Furrel yelled, diving in after it (and being struck by the elemental as he went.) Fortunately some more lightning blasts from Opal and another flurry of attacks from Edella slew the final elemental as well. 

Ferrel secured his sword and returned to the top of the ship as Raskin was asking “Is this deathtrap gonna sink or what?” 

A short time later Wu emerged, announcing that they had prevented the worst of the leaking but that Gnimin wanted to take the ship out of the water to conduct repairs and that they’d take quite some time. 

“Fine, I wasn’t going to get back in this thing anyway,” Raskin declared. 

“We aren’t too far from Wativia,” Ferrel said. Adding, “…I think…”

“I can turn to a whale and carry you all there from here if you like,” Opal said. This prompted a slew of questions from Furrel about being a whale and the elf soon turned himself to an Orca, purposefully neglecting to first cast the spell that would let him talk to Furrel in his whale form. Unfortunately this did not prevent Furrel’s stream of questions during the journey. 

Wu and Edella thanked Gnimi and Blash for their assistance and everyone climbed onto Opal and he carried them back under the water. Furreltuff’s directions were actually quite good and before long the group arrived at Wativa. It was a small village, but because the Astral Plane lacked gravity, all of the structures were built upon coral reefs and another stone formations with little uniformity or linear consistency. 

Ferrel informed everyone that he had been here before, but that they’d asked him to leave. He was sure they weren’t mad at him, however, and that they’d surely forgotten the reason they kicked him out. He then rattled off the tavern names in the town and when Raskin heard there was a tavern called The Lusty Mermaid, he insisted they go there. 

“They have taverns?” Ron asked. “For what? Nobody needs to eat or drink?”

“But they like to sometimes,” Furrel said.

When Ron asked about payment Furrel assured him that they accepted coin. 

“Like this?” Ron said, holding out a handful of coins. 

“Oooh, I’ve never seen a mint like this!” Ferrel said, absently pocking a few of Ron’s coins. The halfling opted to let the matter go, as Furreltuff had immediately moved on to show them to the Lusty Mermaid. 

Swimming along after Furrel they soon reached the tavern and were greeted by a merman barkeep who identified himself as Rhaen.

Raskin ordered some food, though he was a little reluctant when given scallops and kelp. Edella asked if there were any forts or strongholds nearby and Rhaen seemed anxious.

“You’re not with them are you?” the merman inquired. 

“Them who?” She asked. 

“The Sahuagin,” Rhaen explained. “There is a castle made of coral nearby, it’s been abandoned ever since we gave up having a lord here, but awhile back the Sahuagin came in with their sharks and started pushing everyone around, beating or killing us if we don’t give them what they want. Your buddy there,” he gestured to Furrel, who was chatting up an aquatic elf across the room, “Killed a couple of them when he found them beating a few of our citizens. We asked him to leave so the Sahuagin wouldn’t kill too many of us in retaliation.” 

“These guys sound like my kind of guys,” Raskin smirked, getting a side eye from Wu and an embarrassed rebuke from Edella. 

“Well obviously we have to make sure these guys can’t hurt anyone here ever again,” Edella said, to which Wu immediately agreed. 

“Kill ‘em all,” Raskin said. “That’s what I heard.” 

“We shall give them a chance to surrender or leave on their own,” Wu replied. “But we cannot allow them to be in a position to harm these people any longer.” 

“Agreed,” Edella said. 

Rhaen took a little more convincing, but Edella and Wu gave him their word that they would not allow the Sahuagin to harm anyone else in the town. A little more at ease, he provided them with directions to the Coral Castle, and said that he believed they had a boss of some sort, but that he wasn’t sure. 

“What do we know about these creatures, Ron?” Edella asked. The halfling responded that they were cruel and vicious and they existed on Goric too, living in oceans and occasionally raiding costal towns. He added that they tended to be over seven feet tall and often weighed over two hundred pounds. 

“And we’re gonna kill all of ‘em” Raskin smirked, with a look at Edella. 

“Are you implying you are not powerful enough to do so?” Wu asked. 

“Of course not, I’ll waste ‘em” Raskin declared. 

When asked if anyone else in town might know anything more about the Coral Castle Rhaen said he didn’t think so, but stated that they could speak with the mayor or perhaps an old sorcerer who lived outside of town or maybe their local cleric. 

Deciding that loading up on healing potions or items might be a good idea, as neither Edella nor Wu were very powerful healers, they decided to pay a visit to the local temple. There they found an old merman cleric who identified himself as Maelinnus and declared the blessings of a deity called the Water Lord upon them. None of the group was familiar with this god, but they thanked the cleric all the same.

They inquired after healing potions or items and Maelinnus became nervous and swore that all he had was taken by the Sahuagin. Raskin, however immediately saw through the old man’s bluff and confronted him. His aggressive style was mollified a bit by Wu, who assured him that they were not spies for the Sahuaginand were offering coin in trade.

Maelinnus relented, admitting that while the Sahuagin had taken much of his coin and goods, he had a few items squirrelled away that they had not found or that he’d created in the meantime. The options were somewhat meagre, but he had managed to secure a fully charged Wand of Cure Light Wounds and a Ring of Swimming. As Edella was short of coin, Wu spent almost all of his money on these items, asking only that the ring come to his group when the adventures were over, adding that water encounters seemed especially challenging for his companions.

Edella requested healing from Maelinnus, as most everyone was still injured from their experience on Gnimin’s submarine, and after securing a promise that they would do something about the Shaughain , the merman healed everyone of their injuries.

With little else to do in town the group soon followed Rhaen’s directions and headed to the Coral Castle. The found it easily, although it’s appearance was not what they expected. Like Wativia it existed in an environment without gravity and so was more of a coral blob with fortifications than anything else.

Something similar to this…

From the distance they spied the structure, finding that there was a figure in each of the guard towers. After some discussion, they decided to use a pair of Invisibility potions on Edella and Raskin and have the latter swim into one of the guard towers to silence a guard and enter the structure through the tower.

Invisible, Raskin swam forward, coming up behind the unaware Sahuagin with Onyx Razor in hand.

A Sahuagin

In two swift moves Raskin had fallen upon the creature and stabbed it in what passed for lungs and slit it’s throat. Unfortunately, the Sahuagin in the nearby tower seemed to be looking in the direction of the tower and would soon spot Raskin, who had become visible after slaying the sentry. Spotting this, Opal, who had taken the form of a water elemental, swam with amazing speed into the other tower, slamming the Sahuagin guard into the wall and pummeling him to death. Unfortunately, down the nearby stairs and deeper into the structure, Opal heard two creatures conversing urgently in a language he did not speak. It seemed the stealth approach might not be able to continue…

DM’s Notes : Although current events with the Titan, a submersible that seemed to somehow be a worse deathtrap than the Underwatershipthat glidesthroughthewaterlikeabrickpronetocatchingfirebutwillonedaydoitlikeanentirelynon-flammablefishormaybeeel, occurred right around the time I ran this adventure, I would like it known that I had this adventure written well before I knew about the doomed submersible.

As for our heroes, the stealth option might be off the table very soon if they don’t act fast and get lucky. Let’s hope they have a plan B!

Crossover: The Water Key part 1

Dame Edella Montfort – Human Paladin member of the Notorious Nine. Cheery, Stalwart champion of justice. Though out of her element she is determined to do what is needed to save the day.

Elriel (aka “the Opal”) – Elven Druid member of the Fate Fighters. Not the most personable of elves, but good hearted and powerful. Seems to prefer to remain the shape of a large tiger, but willing to take his normal form as needed.

Raskin Daggermaw – Half-Orc Rogue member of the Notorious Nine. Surly and braggadocious, he seems to be helping begrudgingly, but looks forward to using his skills at violence and (hopefully) getting paid.

Ron Cunningham – Halfling Bard member of the Notorious Nine. Good natured and willing to ride along for another adventure, crazy as this one seems to be. His artistic stylings are strange, but his magic is powerful.

Wu Xen – Human Monk/Cleric member of the Fate Fighters. Disciplined and holy, he seeks to do good and help to defeat the evil that threatens the Astral Plane. Nobody but Edella seems interested in his stories and parables.

Somewhere on the Astral Plane

After being breifed on the Water Key, the team headed out into the astral. Other than Opal, they all had some trouble navigating the astral, as it relied more on thinking themselves somewhere than physically moving there. Eventually everyone (except Raskin) managed to get the hang of it, though Wu was able to use a magical rope he called Coiley to wrap around the half-orc to keep him form going off course. 

After quite some time they came upon a wizard in an ethereal form.. He introduced himself as Tholeon and explained he’d cast a spell to visit the Astral Plane, but that he was trapped. He begged them to cast a Dispel Magic on him so he could return to his physical body on the Prime Material Plane, promising to reveal the location of a cash of treasure he saw (but could not claim since he was only ethereal in this form). 

Opal agreed to try to cast Dispel Magic upon the wizard, but the spell failed and Opal was briefly surrounded by a strange multi-colored light that instantly faded. Annoyed, Opal muttered “It seems my magic does not work.” Edella stated she had prepared Dispel Magic as well, and agreed to cast it on the wizard. She succeeded and as he faded out he told them where the treasure was. 

“Make good choices!” Edella bade Tholeon as he faded away. 

The group made a mental note to investigate the cache after they’d secured the Planar key and  continued on their way. Eventually, they spied an enormous bubble of water suspended in the Astral Plane. Dillman and Aquibius had explained that the Living Sea was formed when a rift was torn open in the Astral to the Elemental Plane of Water (or perhaps merely a world with enormous oceans) and that the Living Sea and those who dwelled within it were sucked into the Astral. 

As they approached the group spied two figures on a large, strange contraption floating just outside of the water. As they got closer, they identified the two figures as a gnome and an undine. 

Since it was near water Opal figured he should cast Water Breathing on everyone, just in case, but his magic failed. He tried another spell but could not access the magic for it either. Suddenly, he remembered the multi-colored light after his failed Dispel Magic attempt and quickly surmised that he was somehow cut off from casting any magic. 

“I suppose it could have been a Wild Surge,” Ron mused. “I’ve heard stories of that sort of thing happening when too much magic is around.” 

They theorized that a Dispel Magic, might cure the effect, but Edella stated she did not have another one prepared, and since they were on the Astral Plane they could not rest and simply restore spells since time did not pass. 

Fortunately Edella had scrolls of Water Breathing and Wu had prepared several Air Bubble spells, so they were able to continue on with their mission. 

The group approached the two figures on the strange device and the gnome waved them over with a friendly smile. 

“HiI’mGniminsonofBinniandLotharwhoinventedtheselfsealingstimboldwhichwasveryuseful–” the gnome began, speaking so fast that his words were all blending together into one big jumble.

The gnome

The gnome was quickly interrupted by the Undine. “Remember, you have to slow down for everyone else,” he said before turning to the group. “This is Gnimin. I’m Blash.”

Edella introduced herself and the group and asked what the odd contraption was. 

“This is the Underwatershipthatglidesthroughthewaterlikeabrick pronetocatchingfirebutwillonedaydoitlikeanentirelynon-flammablefishormaybeeel!” Gnimin explained, belatedly remembering and taking pains to speak slowly enough to be understood. “It’s a boat that sails underwater. Perfecting it is my Life Quest!” 

Gnimin offered to show them how it worked after he finished repairing the damage taken in the last test drive, but the group explained they were looking for someone named Furrel, who they were told could help them.

“OhweknowFurreldon’tweBlash?” Gnimin responded excitedly. 

“You do?!” Edella asked excitedly. 

“Yes,” Blash agreed. “He’s fascinated by Gnimin’s inventions and helps him to test the ship. He gets bored between experiments though and tends to wander when he’s making repairs.”

“Do you know when he’ll be back?” Ron asked. 

Blash shrugged. “He kind of returns when he wants. I could cast a Sending spell to ask him to return right away, but I do charge a fee for my services…”

Blash cited a price of 500 gold pieces to cast a Sending spell, but Ron convinced him to accept 400 from them and another 100 from Gnimin, who agreed to purchase the perfect rotisserie schematic from him. Upon seeing it, Gnimin agreed and a deal was struck. Blash cast the spell and a moment later reported. “Furrel just said ‘ok’.”

Before anyone could ask what, exactly, that might mean, a figure appeared on the boat next to them. He stood only about three and a half feet tall, about the size of a halfling, but he had a slight build, pointed ears and facial features similar to an elf. He was dressed in an outlandish mishmash of bright and clashing colors and carried a strange slingstaff that had a point at the end that could be used for stabbing. A small sword rested on his hip and he had a vast array of pouches and purses on his body. 

“Hullo!” he said, extending a tiny hand at the group. “I’m Sir Furreltuff Mellburrow, Knight of the Round Table, Popper of Dragon’s Eyes and Honorary Member of Clan Dalikak.”

Edella introduced themselves and explained that they were looking for the Planar Key of Water. 

“Wow! Really?!” Ferrel said, quite excited. “That sounds fascinating. Is it a powerful artifact? What can it do? Where is it?”

“You’re supposed to have it!” Raskin barked. 

“I am?” Ferrel asked, confused. “I don’t think so. Let me check.” He then upended all of his pouches and tons of random items and junk began pouring out of his pouches and purses and floating around them in the astral. None of them seemed to be a Planar Key. 

“I believe that the wizards said that Furrel might lead us to the Planer Key, not that he had it,” Wu advised. 

“But I don’t know where it is!” Ferrel said, gathering up his belongings. 

“Do you know of any fortified places where something like that might be hidden? Like a keep or a castle?” Edella asked. 

“There is this awesome Coral Castle, near a town called Wativia, but it’s filled with jerks.” Ferrule advised. 

“Wasn’t Wativia another name Dillman and Aquibius dropped?” Ron asked. Edella, Opal and Wu agreed that it was and they agreed that they should head there. Furrel agreed to show them where Wativia was. 

Opal took the moment to inquire if Blash or Furrel could cast Dispel Magic, hoping that he could resolve his magical problem. Blash stated he did not know that spell, and Furrel explained he was no wizard, but that his sling staff (which he called a Hoopack Staff) was magical and could generate something called a Wild Surge. Opal agreed to give it a try and to everyone’s surprise it worked and Opal could again access his spells. 

Furrel’s Hoopack Staff

Gnimin agreed to ferry them all to Wativia if they wanted, but explained that he would need to finish repairs to his ship first. “It’llonlytakeonetofiftyhoursI swear!” he promised. 

Edella offered to help if it would speed things along, to which Gnimin agreed. With the help of Ron’s Engineering acumen and everyone lending a hand, they were able to repair the ship quickly and soon set sail. 

GM’s Notes: The next step of the great experiment of the crossover. The wizard Tholeon was a random encounter, but unfortunately Opal’s player, Shak, rolled a Nat 1 to try to cast Dispel Magic. Being as it was the Astral Plane, I ruled this would generate a Wild Surge. The result I got was “The next thing the caster says comes true.” Since the next thing Opal said was “It seems my magic does not work,” this effectively made Opal the druid unable to cast spells. Since the plan was for him to cast Water Breathing on everyone, this presented a problem (though not an insurmountable one, as they had backup plans.)

Fortunately Furrel’s wild surge and a dose of kindness from a DM that didn’t want 50% of a PC’s skills to be cut off corrected that. 

Speaking of Furrel, I’ll admit that he was a favorite PC of mine from a game run by a good friend of mine about 20 years ago. The campaign kind of petered out and died but the character, a Kender rogue with a Wisdom of 2 who was given a wildly and unreasonably powered magical hoopack staff by the party wizard, has always had a special place in my heart. Since the Astral Plane is supposed to connect all worlds, I saw no reason Furreltuff couldn’t end up there and lend a hand to the PC’s. 

His companion, Gnimin, is a Tinker Gnome from Krynn, thrilled to have a chance to finish a Life Quest since time does not pass on the Astral so he cannot die of age. And their companion Blash…well he’s from the Living Sea, but I freely admit he was created as a failsafe to make sure the PC’s would be able to go into the water and not instantly drown, just in case they were not prepared. For the right price he has a number of spells and magic items that will allow the PC’s to function in an underwater adventure.