
Froderik Penderghast – Male Human Wizard. Logical and self-important wizard. Accompanied by his hawk familiar, Mordecai. 

Raskin Daggermaw – Male Half-Orc Rogue. Huge, muscular braggadocios letch who is especially good at stabbing folks, if not interpersonal skills. Bastard son of Duke Riffin Etiamond. Wields Onyx Razor

Dame Edella Montfort – Female Human Paladin of Vesper and Baronial Knight of Wrellen. Somewhat sheltered and naïve but always out to help anyone she comes across and punish evil. Currently wields the Mermaid’s Spear. Still angry at Raskin.

Zenga – Female Human Witch. Accompanied by her scorpion familiar (and brother) Janis. Getting truly terrifying as her powers continue to grow. 

Beybulat “Bey” Tasho – Male Human Swashbuckler. A barbarian from the Plains of Galmar. Misses home badly, but does not want to abandon (some of) his new companions. 

Delilah Farmeski – Female Human Cleric of Farmesk. A battle nun from the Eastern Realms who worships the God of War. As always, eager to smash her enemies in Farmesk’s name. Now wielding the Stouthammer.

Ronald “Ron” Cunningham – Male Halfling Bard. A wandering halfling poet from Roadshire. Since joining his magic and bardsongs have been as appreciated as his cheery attitude.

3rd of Sloth, 1159

Our heroes were given access to a small, empty (but furnished) house near Summerwind Hall to rest and clean up in. With a few errands and minor tasks performed, they were shocked to suddenly find themselves teleported to what appeared to be a huge grey rock floating in what appeared to be and endless void of the night sky.


If you look close you may see our heroes standing around in confusion…

Standing there was an armored middle aged man, the entire right side of his body and armor burned and charred. The scars of his burning a strange green-ish color. The group soon recognized him from their visions, though in them he was not scarred. 

“You’re Sir Imlott Ebberholt!” Edella said, recognizing both the sigil on his armor and the face of one of the best swordsmen in Emeron. 

Sir Imlott Ebberholt, not looking as well as in the visions…

“Yes,” the figure confirmed. “I am Sir Imlott Ebberholt. The Great White Wizard Dillman has need of us and has called upon us. There is a threat to Goric and all worlds and he is summoning us to save all the realms. We will need to act fast, lest the enemy be made aware of our plans.” 

He no sooner got the words out before there was a flash of light across the field and several figures appeared: 

-A lightly armored elven woman armed with a rapier

-A lightly armed and armored elven male

-A heavily armored middle aged man armed with a staff

-A bald human male who appeared unarmored and unarmed

-A flamboyantly dressed male dwarf

-A half-elven, bow wielding woman with long red hair

-A lightly armed half elf male with a rat hiding in his hood

-A strange tall and spindly purple skinned humanoid, armed and armored. 

The strange purple figure saw our heroes, drew a blade and conjured a strange floating magical energy disc to ride upon and seemed to call to his companions to arms. 

The strange purple figure

“The enemy has found us!” Sir Imlott declared, drawing his blade with his off hand (as his sword armed was burned and maimed) and began running at the new figures as quickly as his injured leg would allow. 

Edella, recalling that Sir Imlott had a long reputation of being honorable and good hearted, informed her companions and they quickly prepared for battle. 

Two of the new figures, the elven woman with the rapier and the small bald human began to run towards them, and Ron immediately cast a Confusion spell on most of the rest of the enemy group, while Delilah cast Air Walk and took to the sky. 

Meanwhile, the enemy dwarf cast a spell that caused a wall of pure sound to spring into existence. It emitted a faint hum, but otherwise seemed at first to do nothing. 

The strange purple figure, pointed his blade at Sir Imlott, calling a challenge that none of them understood, and the disc of energy he stood upon began carrying him towards the knight. This turned out to be lucky for the figure, as he was out of the area when Zenga quickly cast her Black Tentacles spell. A huge mass of tentacles to spring from the ground, grabbing the half elven archer, flamboyant dwarf, middle aged man, the lightly armed elf and the half elven man. 

The elven man was able to quickly escape the tentacles before they could get a solid grasp on him, and the half elven man took out a potion and upon drinking it turned gaseous. They were granted little time to deal with their predicament, however, as Froderik grabbed Raskin, Edella and Bey and teleported across the field with them, within charging range of the enemies. Although she was still very annoyed with Raskin, Edella was still willing to fight by his side and the two drew their weapons and began moving towards the enemies. Bey, for his part, asked Froderik if he could magic him a horse. 

Now close enough to hear one the other group as they shouted to one another from within Zenga’s tentacles, the group realized that they did not seem to speak the same language and they could not understand them. 

The purple figure floated on his disk straight into Sir Imlott clashing with the legendary knight as they crossed blades, while Delilah, slowly climbing higher into the air, merely walked over the wall of sound the enemy had conjured and made her way across the battlefield.

For her part, Zenga cast another spell, causing a translucent wall of energy, within which were indistinct images of faces with their eyes sewn shut, to appear right on most of the enemies trapped in her tentacles spell. Both of the half elves were immediately struck blind. 

Meanwhile, across the field, the elven man who had slipped out of the tentacles cast an Air Walk spell of his own and then transformed into an enormous tiger! The middle aged man, unable to break free of the tentacles, seemed to call upon some power and teleported a few feet away, out of the effect of Zenga’s spells. 

The half-elven man, gaseous but blind, drifted out of the area of the tentacles spell and revered back to normal form, yelling something that the group could not understand to his companions. Wasting little time, Edella and Raskin charged towards the man ready to strike him down. 

Froderik, meanwhile, conjured a horse for Beybulat. The Galmarian thanked him and leaped upon the horse, preparing to ride it into battle. Unfortunately, the animal panicked and charged straight into the tentacle spell, immediately becoming trapped. Bey, managing to leap off at the last moment, swore profusely in Galmarian about how Froderik had given him a defective horse. 

Back on the other end of the field the elven woman charged straight at Zenga, charging straight through the wall of sound, which burst  with discordant noise and seemed to injure her slightly. Resolute, the elf persisted, slashing Zenga with her blade. 

“Ron, get us out of here,” Zenga yelled and the halfling dutifully grabbed her and cast a spell that teleported them across the field near Froderik. The bald man charging towards them sighed in frustration and looked around, soon spotting the duo across the field and and taking off in their direction again, pausing only long enough to hurl a small bolt of fire at Sir Imlott. The knight grunted in pain a the attack and focused on delivering a series of devastating attacks at the purple figure fighting him. Seeing the bald man still targeting she and Ron, Zenga cast a spell that enveloped the two in a black fog. 

Meanwhile the elf (who was now a tiger) leaped upon Edella, grabbing her and delivering a series of devastating claw attacks. To make matters worse, Raskin attempted to stab the tiger with Onyx Razor and missed in the confusion, striking the paladin in a weak point in her armor, wounding her badly. 

Crying out in pain and exasperation, Edella nevertheless managed to break out of the tiger’s grasp. She didn’t get any time to reassess, however, as the half elven man summoned an enormous Fire Elemental between himself and she and Raskin. The elemental immediately attacked them, injuring Raskin. Froderik, however, was having none of this and stepped forward, casing a spell that caused the elemental to vanish back to the Plane of Fire. 

Meanwhile, Sir Imlott was getting the better of the purple figure, who seemed to be barely able to defend himself against the knight’s devastating attacks. The elf woman ran to her companions aid, stabbing Imlott a mighty wound.

Bey attempted to get his summoned horse out of the tentacles, but the spell soon crushed the mount, causing it to vanish back to wherever Froderik summoned it from. Annoyed the Galmarian cast around for a target and saw the bald man who was running in the direction of Zenga and Ron. Deciding to take his frustration out on the man, Bey charged him, slashing him with his Short Sword of Shock repeatedly. For his part the man retaliated with a series of unarmed attacks that Bey furiously tried to parry, only succeeding about a quarter of the time. 

Ron, for his part moved out of the black mist that Zenga had summoned and and cast a spell to empower Raskin and Edella, while Zenga cast a spell of her own. The witch’s spell enveloped the tiger in a sickly greenish energy that seemed to hamper the beasts attacks. Nevertheless it persisted, clawing and biting furiously at Edella. 

Raskin, taking advantage of the tiger turning to focus on Edella, knifed it repeatedly in the back, and he and Edella whaled on the tiger, swiftly rendering him unconscious. The half elven man continued to backpedal, trying to dispel Ron’s magic upon the middle aged man, who had spent almost the entire battle under the effect of the halfling’s Confusion spell and babbling, but he was unsuccessful. However the man managed to get a moment of clarity through the spell anyway, and activated some sort of magic item. The effect immediately dispelled the blindness on the half-elves and shunted the half-elven woman and flamboyant dwarf, who had spent the entire battle struggling with Zenga’s tentacle spell, out of range of the grasping appendages. Whatever the man had done, however, seemed to take a toll on him, as he doubled over and looked pale. 

Sir Imlott, for his part, continued to focus on purple creature, launching a series of brutal attacks that lopped off the being’s hands, followed immediately by its head. The knight then turned to the elven woman as she (unsuccessfully) attempted to catch him off guard when she stabbed him in a series of attacks. Imlott managed to disarm her, however, and began commanding her to surrender. Unable to understand him, but getting the gist of his intent, the elf cocked her head to the side in confusion. 

Ron attempted to cast another Confusion spell, but the targets all managed to resist one time. The flamboyant dwarf retaliated with a Confusion spell of his own, causing Raskin to begin to babble incoherently. The half-elven woman, finally free of the tentacles and Confusion spell, drew her bow and launched a volley of arrows at Froderik, badly wounding him. 

Zenga then decided to add some more help to the battle and conjured a Mud Elemental to appear right next to Edella. Having never seen the witch summon this creature before the paladin cried out in surprise, but was mollified when Zenga called from within her black mist “He’s fine, he’s mine.” to her. 

Mud Elemental

The half-elven man then decided to conjure a creature of his own, but instead of a fire elemental this time he summoned an elf-like archer, her silver-white hair the color of a lightning strike whips and her eyes swirling with vibrant colors. She appeared right next to the tiger and cast a healing spell upon him, causing him to awaken. Unfortunately Raskin immediately began stabbing the tiger over and over, nearly killing him. 

“He’s down, you savage.” the summoned elf-like creature said disdainfully. To everyone’s surprise, however, Edella understood what it said, even though she’d not been able to understand anything their enemies had said until now. Looking at the creature she strongly suspected it was summoned from the celestial plains and maybe even was an angelic creature. She began to wonder if something was amiss if their “evil enemies” were summoning celestial creatures.

She had little time to wonder, however, as Froderik stepped forward and hurled a lightning bolt blasting the unconscious tiger (who seemed to die and revert to the form of an elf), the half-elven male and the middle aged human (who fell unconscious from the attack), before turning invisible to nurse his arrow wounds. 

At that moment there was another flash of light on the field and two figures appeared. One a moment or two after the other. One of the figures was the Great White Wizard Dillman, and the other was a bald, bearded old man. The two looked around and began to size one another up suspiciously as and raise their hands towards one another, magical energy crackling from their fingertips.

The Great White Wizard Dillman

DM’s Notes: Some months back both my game and that of my friend Tim (Who plays Froderik and runs the Om campaign) were both in hiatus and with the PC’s all around the same level (10th or 11th). Idle discussion of “what if these parties ever met” or “what if these parties ever talked” were rampant well before that, however, as both groups have the same players. Anyway, with both groups at the same level at the same time the two of us got to thinking.

We started talks last summer and began plotting this out. We kept it a secret from the other players, and planned how we’d pitch it is “I’m ready to start my game again once we finish what we’re doing now…”

The players were surprised when they got teleported to the Astral Plane and even more so when, halfway through the list of the “other party” they began to realize I was describing their other PC’s in the Om game. The shrieks of surprise and joy are the sort of thing a DM lives for.

Anyway, the battle seems to be going well for our heroes, thanks to some early good initiative rolls for Zenga and Ron allowing them to get the other party on the back foot with the Black Tentacle and Confusion spells, although the fight is not over yet, and who knows what the appearance of Dillman and this other fellow means…

If you’re interested in seeing this battle from the other side (and from the point of view of one of the characters) check out the Journal of Wu.