Crossover: The Water Key part 2

Dame Edella Montfort – Human Paladin member of the Notorious Nine. Cheery, Stalwart champion of justice. Though out of her element she is determined to do what is needed to save the day.

Elriel (aka “the Opal”) – Elven Druid member of the Fate Fighters. Not the most personable of elves, but good hearted and powerful. Seems to prefer to remain the shape of a large tiger, but willing to take his normal form as needed.

Raskin Daggermaw – Half-Orc Rogue member of the Notorious Nine. Surly and braggadocious, he seems to be helping begrudgingly, but looks forward to using his skills at violence and (hopefully) getting paid.

Ron Cunningham – Halfling Bard member of the Notorious Nine. Good natured and willing to ride along for another adventure, crazy as this one seems to be. His artistic stylings are strange, but his magic is powerful.

Wu Xen – Human Monk/Cleric member of the Fate Fighters. Disciplined and holy, he seeks to do good and help to defeat the evil that threatens the Astral Plane. Nobody but Edella seems interested in his stories and parables.

Furreltuff “Furrel” Mellburrow – NPC Kender “handler.” Said to be able to lead the group to the town of Wativia and from there the location of the Planar Key of Water. Although excited at the news, Furrel has no idea what a Planar Key is or where might be found. That won’t stop him from trying though.

Gnimin – NPC Gnome Tinkerer. Captain and creator of an experimental submarine and happy to give the group a ride to Wativia. Friends with Furrel and Blash.

Blash – NPC Undine Sorcerer – Friend of Gnimin and Furrel. Offers his water breathing spells and wares…for a price.

Living Sea, Astral Plane. Date unknown

Gnimin led the group into his experimental submarine, the Underwatership thatglidesthroughthewaterlikeabrickpronetocatchingfirebutwillonedaydoitlikeanentirelynon-flammablefishormaybeeel. Within the small cramped vessel there was a chair in the middle of it that had a series of machines, ropes, pulleys, a periscope and other bells and whistles next to it. At the front and back are two seats that have pedals that could be used to get the engine moving and keep it going, along with a furnace connected to it for extra energy. There were a number of periscopes scattered around the sides of the ship with odd contraptions near them that Ron identified as some sort of weapons to defend the ship from outside attack. 

The submarine

Gnimin took a seat in the pilot’s chair and Edella, Raskin, Opal and Wu agreed to take pedal stations to help propel the ship. Furreltuff began to give directions to Gnimin to direct them to the underwater town of Wativa, though Opal and Wu quickly realized that he was awful at giving directions.

Despite Furrel’s bad directions, the journey started off well enough, though Raskin muttered constantly to himself how he felt like this ship was a deathtrap. After nearly an hour into the journey Gnimin, peering through a periscope, spied something. “Can you see that as well?” he asked, and Ron ran to one of the weapon stations to use the periscope there, quickly identifying three large Water Elementals coming straight for the ship.

“This happens sometimes,” Blash explained. “This ship is made of wood and metal and the Elementals don’t like it intruding on their realm.”

“Hardtoport!” Gnimin yelled, his words so fast they began to blend together. “Pedal!Fueltothefurnace!”

Everyone at the pedal stations began to give it their all, and Blash threw some strange bluish charcoal into the furnace to give extra speed. They were able to quickly outpace the Elementals and escape, but Blash threw too much fuel in and the furnace began to belch black smoke into the ship, choking everyone and making it hard for some to see. Even worse, Ferrel could not catch his breath and blacked out. 

“Riseriserise!” Gnimin yelled, coughing and working the pullies near his chair as he spoke. “Keeppedaling!” 

Wu, feeling Furrel may not have much time, leapt from his station while the others kept pedaling. The monk ran to Furrel and cast Air Bubble on him, which would allow him to keep breathing despite the choking smoke. 

Soon enough the ship hit the surface, and Gnimin was able to open the hatch and allow the smoke to pour out of the cabin while everyone climbed to the top of the ship to catch their breath. 

After the ship had aired out they went back in, despite Raskin’s now somewhat less quiet complaining about how the ship was a deathtrap. The journey continued on without incident and Furrell announced he felt they were very close to Wativia. However, the ship suddenly shuttered as if struck hard by something. Checking the Periscopes they saw that the Water Elementals had returned and struck the ship. After another shutter, however, the engine was thrown off it’s moorings, resulting in a huge explosion. 

Everyone on the ship was wounded, but survived. Worse, however, was that the blast had blown a hole in the ship and they were taking on water very fast. “Weneedtosurfaceandstoptheleak!” Gnimin shouted, setting the course back to surface.

With the frantic pedaling of Raskin, Edella, Wu and Opal they were able to breech the surface. Gnimin shouted that they had to patch the leak or the ship would still sink and he, Blash, and Wu began to try to patch the ship while everyone else climbed out to attempt to fight the elementals. 

The elementals came to the side of the ship and attacked Raskin and Ron, injuring them. 

Furrel, hefting his strange sling staff, asked Edella if he should use fire or lightning. Edella suggested lighting, and Furrel held the staff up, its bottom pointed at an elemental and shouted “Bind!” Suddenly a huge lightning bolt flew from the end of the staff, striking the elemental and seeming to injure it. 

More than just an ordinary staff…sling…spear…thingie

Opal followed suit, casting Call Lightning, injuring the same elemental. Edella ran up and stabbed it with her ranseur and Raskin leapt into the water to try to get a flank and stab the elemental. He struck it, but it was hard to tell if he and Edella were hurting it. 

Realizing that Raskin’s usual flanking attacks were not as effective, Ron leaped into the water (getting smacked hard by an elemental on the way) and teleported Raskin back onto the ship. The elementals attacked both Raskin and Furrel, and the kender fell back, activating his staff again and causing small fiery meteors to fall from the sky, slaying one of the elementals and injuring the other. The other was injured further when Opal directed two more lightning bolts at it from the stormcloud that he had conjured. 

Raskin, spotting something in the distance pointed. “Uh, guys. The third one is on its way.” 

Edella turned to attack the one that had struck Furrel, destroying it in a flurry of impressive blows from her ranseur. By then the final elemental was upon them. Raskin attempted to keep it’s attention on him, as he’d come to realize he could not stab a living wave of water in the organs since it didn’t have any. While the half-orc distracted, Ferrel drew his short sword, which had a strange blueish blade, and attack the creature. He fumbled the blade, however, and it fell in the water. 

“Frosty no!” Furrel yelled, diving in after it (and being struck by the elemental as he went.) Fortunately some more lightning blasts from Opal and another flurry of attacks from Edella slew the final elemental as well. 

Ferrel secured his sword and returned to the top of the ship as Raskin was asking “Is this deathtrap gonna sink or what?” 

A short time later Wu emerged, announcing that they had prevented the worst of the leaking but that Gnimin wanted to take the ship out of the water to conduct repairs and that they’d take quite some time. 

“Fine, I wasn’t going to get back in this thing anyway,” Raskin declared. 

“We aren’t too far from Wativia,” Ferrel said. Adding, “…I think…”

“I can turn to a whale and carry you all there from here if you like,” Opal said. This prompted a slew of questions from Furrel about being a whale and the elf soon turned himself to an Orca, purposefully neglecting to first cast the spell that would let him talk to Furrel in his whale form. Unfortunately this did not prevent Furrel’s stream of questions during the journey. 

Wu and Edella thanked Gnimi and Blash for their assistance and everyone climbed onto Opal and he carried them back under the water. Furreltuff’s directions were actually quite good and before long the group arrived at Wativa. It was a small village, but because the Astral Plane lacked gravity, all of the structures were built upon coral reefs and another stone formations with little uniformity or linear consistency. 

Ferrel informed everyone that he had been here before, but that they’d asked him to leave. He was sure they weren’t mad at him, however, and that they’d surely forgotten the reason they kicked him out. He then rattled off the tavern names in the town and when Raskin heard there was a tavern called The Lusty Mermaid, he insisted they go there. 

“They have taverns?” Ron asked. “For what? Nobody needs to eat or drink?”

“But they like to sometimes,” Furrel said.

When Ron asked about payment Furrel assured him that they accepted coin. 

“Like this?” Ron said, holding out a handful of coins. 

“Oooh, I’ve never seen a mint like this!” Ferrel said, absently pocking a few of Ron’s coins. The halfling opted to let the matter go, as Furreltuff had immediately moved on to show them to the Lusty Mermaid. 

Swimming along after Furrel they soon reached the tavern and were greeted by a merman barkeep who identified himself as Rhaen.

Raskin ordered some food, though he was a little reluctant when given scallops and kelp. Edella asked if there were any forts or strongholds nearby and Rhaen seemed anxious.

“You’re not with them are you?” the merman inquired. 

“Them who?” She asked. 

“The Sahuagin,” Rhaen explained. “There is a castle made of coral nearby, it’s been abandoned ever since we gave up having a lord here, but awhile back the Sahuagin came in with their sharks and started pushing everyone around, beating or killing us if we don’t give them what they want. Your buddy there,” he gestured to Furrel, who was chatting up an aquatic elf across the room, “Killed a couple of them when he found them beating a few of our citizens. We asked him to leave so the Sahuagin wouldn’t kill too many of us in retaliation.” 

“These guys sound like my kind of guys,” Raskin smirked, getting a side eye from Wu and an embarrassed rebuke from Edella. 

“Well obviously we have to make sure these guys can’t hurt anyone here ever again,” Edella said, to which Wu immediately agreed. 

“Kill ‘em all,” Raskin said. “That’s what I heard.” 

“We shall give them a chance to surrender or leave on their own,” Wu replied. “But we cannot allow them to be in a position to harm these people any longer.” 

“Agreed,” Edella said. 

Rhaen took a little more convincing, but Edella and Wu gave him their word that they would not allow the Sahuagin to harm anyone else in the town. A little more at ease, he provided them with directions to the Coral Castle, and said that he believed they had a boss of some sort, but that he wasn’t sure. 

“What do we know about these creatures, Ron?” Edella asked. The halfling responded that they were cruel and vicious and they existed on Goric too, living in oceans and occasionally raiding costal towns. He added that they tended to be over seven feet tall and often weighed over two hundred pounds. 

“And we’re gonna kill all of ‘em” Raskin smirked, with a look at Edella. 

“Are you implying you are not powerful enough to do so?” Wu asked. 

“Of course not, I’ll waste ‘em” Raskin declared. 

When asked if anyone else in town might know anything more about the Coral Castle Rhaen said he didn’t think so, but stated that they could speak with the mayor or perhaps an old sorcerer who lived outside of town or maybe their local cleric. 

Deciding that loading up on healing potions or items might be a good idea, as neither Edella nor Wu were very powerful healers, they decided to pay a visit to the local temple. There they found an old merman cleric who identified himself as Maelinnus and declared the blessings of a deity called the Water Lord upon them. None of the group was familiar with this god, but they thanked the cleric all the same.

They inquired after healing potions or items and Maelinnus became nervous and swore that all he had was taken by the Sahuagin. Raskin, however immediately saw through the old man’s bluff and confronted him. His aggressive style was mollified a bit by Wu, who assured him that they were not spies for the Sahuaginand were offering coin in trade.

Maelinnus relented, admitting that while the Sahuagin had taken much of his coin and goods, he had a few items squirrelled away that they had not found or that he’d created in the meantime. The options were somewhat meagre, but he had managed to secure a fully charged Wand of Cure Light Wounds and a Ring of Swimming. As Edella was short of coin, Wu spent almost all of his money on these items, asking only that the ring come to his group when the adventures were over, adding that water encounters seemed especially challenging for his companions.

Edella requested healing from Maelinnus, as most everyone was still injured from their experience on Gnimin’s submarine, and after securing a promise that they would do something about the Shaughain , the merman healed everyone of their injuries.

With little else to do in town the group soon followed Rhaen’s directions and headed to the Coral Castle. The found it easily, although it’s appearance was not what they expected. Like Wativia it existed in an environment without gravity and so was more of a coral blob with fortifications than anything else.

Something similar to this…

From the distance they spied the structure, finding that there was a figure in each of the guard towers. After some discussion, they decided to use a pair of Invisibility potions on Edella and Raskin and have the latter swim into one of the guard towers to silence a guard and enter the structure through the tower.

Invisible, Raskin swam forward, coming up behind the unaware Sahuagin with Onyx Razor in hand.

A Sahuagin

In two swift moves Raskin had fallen upon the creature and stabbed it in what passed for lungs and slit it’s throat. Unfortunately, the Sahuagin in the nearby tower seemed to be looking in the direction of the tower and would soon spot Raskin, who had become visible after slaying the sentry. Spotting this, Opal, who had taken the form of a water elemental, swam with amazing speed into the other tower, slamming the Sahuagin guard into the wall and pummeling him to death. Unfortunately, down the nearby stairs and deeper into the structure, Opal heard two creatures conversing urgently in a language he did not speak. It seemed the stealth approach might not be able to continue…

DM’s Notes : Although current events with the Titan, a submersible that seemed to somehow be a worse deathtrap than the Underwatershipthat glidesthroughthewaterlikeabrickpronetocatchingfirebutwillonedaydoitlikeanentirelynon-flammablefishormaybeeel, occurred right around the time I ran this adventure, I would like it known that I had this adventure written well before I knew about the doomed submersible.

As for our heroes, the stealth option might be off the table very soon if they don’t act fast and get lucky. Let’s hope they have a plan B!

Crossover: The Water Key part 1

Dame Edella Montfort – Human Paladin member of the Notorious Nine. Cheery, Stalwart champion of justice. Though out of her element she is determined to do what is needed to save the day.

Elriel (aka “the Opal”) – Elven Druid member of the Fate Fighters. Not the most personable of elves, but good hearted and powerful. Seems to prefer to remain the shape of a large tiger, but willing to take his normal form as needed.

Raskin Daggermaw – Half-Orc Rogue member of the Notorious Nine. Surly and braggadocious, he seems to be helping begrudgingly, but looks forward to using his skills at violence and (hopefully) getting paid.

Ron Cunningham – Halfling Bard member of the Notorious Nine. Good natured and willing to ride along for another adventure, crazy as this one seems to be. His artistic stylings are strange, but his magic is powerful.

Wu Xen – Human Monk/Cleric member of the Fate Fighters. Disciplined and holy, he seeks to do good and help to defeat the evil that threatens the Astral Plane. Nobody but Edella seems interested in his stories and parables.

Somewhere on the Astral Plane

After being breifed on the Water Key, the team headed out into the astral. Other than Opal, they all had some trouble navigating the astral, as it relied more on thinking themselves somewhere than physically moving there. Eventually everyone (except Raskin) managed to get the hang of it, though Wu was able to use a magical rope he called Coiley to wrap around the half-orc to keep him form going off course. 

After quite some time they came upon a wizard in an ethereal form.. He introduced himself as Tholeon and explained he’d cast a spell to visit the Astral Plane, but that he was trapped. He begged them to cast a Dispel Magic on him so he could return to his physical body on the Prime Material Plane, promising to reveal the location of a cash of treasure he saw (but could not claim since he was only ethereal in this form). 

Opal agreed to try to cast Dispel Magic upon the wizard, but the spell failed and Opal was briefly surrounded by a strange multi-colored light that instantly faded. Annoyed, Opal muttered “It seems my magic does not work.” Edella stated she had prepared Dispel Magic as well, and agreed to cast it on the wizard. She succeeded and as he faded out he told them where the treasure was. 

“Make good choices!” Edella bade Tholeon as he faded away. 

The group made a mental note to investigate the cache after they’d secured the Planar key and  continued on their way. Eventually, they spied an enormous bubble of water suspended in the Astral Plane. Dillman and Aquibius had explained that the Living Sea was formed when a rift was torn open in the Astral to the Elemental Plane of Water (or perhaps merely a world with enormous oceans) and that the Living Sea and those who dwelled within it were sucked into the Astral. 

As they approached the group spied two figures on a large, strange contraption floating just outside of the water. As they got closer, they identified the two figures as a gnome and an undine. 

Since it was near water Opal figured he should cast Water Breathing on everyone, just in case, but his magic failed. He tried another spell but could not access the magic for it either. Suddenly, he remembered the multi-colored light after his failed Dispel Magic attempt and quickly surmised that he was somehow cut off from casting any magic. 

“I suppose it could have been a Wild Surge,” Ron mused. “I’ve heard stories of that sort of thing happening when too much magic is around.” 

They theorized that a Dispel Magic, might cure the effect, but Edella stated she did not have another one prepared, and since they were on the Astral Plane they could not rest and simply restore spells since time did not pass. 

Fortunately Edella had scrolls of Water Breathing and Wu had prepared several Air Bubble spells, so they were able to continue on with their mission. 

The group approached the two figures on the strange device and the gnome waved them over with a friendly smile. 

“HiI’mGniminsonofBinniandLotharwhoinventedtheselfsealingstimboldwhichwasveryuseful–” the gnome began, speaking so fast that his words were all blending together into one big jumble.

The gnome

The gnome was quickly interrupted by the Undine. “Remember, you have to slow down for everyone else,” he said before turning to the group. “This is Gnimin. I’m Blash.”

Edella introduced herself and the group and asked what the odd contraption was. 

“This is the Underwatershipthatglidesthroughthewaterlikeabrick pronetocatchingfirebutwillonedaydoitlikeanentirelynon-flammablefishormaybeeel!” Gnimin explained, belatedly remembering and taking pains to speak slowly enough to be understood. “It’s a boat that sails underwater. Perfecting it is my Life Quest!” 

Gnimin offered to show them how it worked after he finished repairing the damage taken in the last test drive, but the group explained they were looking for someone named Furrel, who they were told could help them.

“OhweknowFurreldon’tweBlash?” Gnimin responded excitedly. 

“You do?!” Edella asked excitedly. 

“Yes,” Blash agreed. “He’s fascinated by Gnimin’s inventions and helps him to test the ship. He gets bored between experiments though and tends to wander when he’s making repairs.”

“Do you know when he’ll be back?” Ron asked. 

Blash shrugged. “He kind of returns when he wants. I could cast a Sending spell to ask him to return right away, but I do charge a fee for my services…”

Blash cited a price of 500 gold pieces to cast a Sending spell, but Ron convinced him to accept 400 from them and another 100 from Gnimin, who agreed to purchase the perfect rotisserie schematic from him. Upon seeing it, Gnimin agreed and a deal was struck. Blash cast the spell and a moment later reported. “Furrel just said ‘ok’.”

Before anyone could ask what, exactly, that might mean, a figure appeared on the boat next to them. He stood only about three and a half feet tall, about the size of a halfling, but he had a slight build, pointed ears and facial features similar to an elf. He was dressed in an outlandish mishmash of bright and clashing colors and carried a strange slingstaff that had a point at the end that could be used for stabbing. A small sword rested on his hip and he had a vast array of pouches and purses on his body. 

“Hullo!” he said, extending a tiny hand at the group. “I’m Sir Furreltuff Mellburrow, Knight of the Round Table, Popper of Dragon’s Eyes and Honorary Member of Clan Dalikak.”

Edella introduced themselves and explained that they were looking for the Planar Key of Water. 

“Wow! Really?!” Ferrel said, quite excited. “That sounds fascinating. Is it a powerful artifact? What can it do? Where is it?”

“You’re supposed to have it!” Raskin barked. 

“I am?” Ferrel asked, confused. “I don’t think so. Let me check.” He then upended all of his pouches and tons of random items and junk began pouring out of his pouches and purses and floating around them in the astral. None of them seemed to be a Planar Key. 

“I believe that the wizards said that Furrel might lead us to the Planer Key, not that he had it,” Wu advised. 

“But I don’t know where it is!” Ferrel said, gathering up his belongings. 

“Do you know of any fortified places where something like that might be hidden? Like a keep or a castle?” Edella asked. 

“There is this awesome Coral Castle, near a town called Wativia, but it’s filled with jerks.” Ferrule advised. 

“Wasn’t Wativia another name Dillman and Aquibius dropped?” Ron asked. Edella, Opal and Wu agreed that it was and they agreed that they should head there. Furrel agreed to show them where Wativia was. 

Opal took the moment to inquire if Blash or Furrel could cast Dispel Magic, hoping that he could resolve his magical problem. Blash stated he did not know that spell, and Furrel explained he was no wizard, but that his sling staff (which he called a Hoopack Staff) was magical and could generate something called a Wild Surge. Opal agreed to give it a try and to everyone’s surprise it worked and Opal could again access his spells. 

Furrel’s Hoopack Staff

Gnimin agreed to ferry them all to Wativia if they wanted, but explained that he would need to finish repairs to his ship first. “It’llonlytakeonetofiftyhoursI swear!” he promised. 

Edella offered to help if it would speed things along, to which Gnimin agreed. With the help of Ron’s Engineering acumen and everyone lending a hand, they were able to repair the ship quickly and soon set sail. 

GM’s Notes: The next step of the great experiment of the crossover. The wizard Tholeon was a random encounter, but unfortunately Opal’s player, Shak, rolled a Nat 1 to try to cast Dispel Magic. Being as it was the Astral Plane, I ruled this would generate a Wild Surge. The result I got was “The next thing the caster says comes true.” Since the next thing Opal said was “It seems my magic does not work,” this effectively made Opal the druid unable to cast spells. Since the plan was for him to cast Water Breathing on everyone, this presented a problem (though not an insurmountable one, as they had backup plans.)

Fortunately Furrel’s wild surge and a dose of kindness from a DM that didn’t want 50% of a PC’s skills to be cut off corrected that. 

Speaking of Furrel, I’ll admit that he was a favorite PC of mine from a game run by a good friend of mine about 20 years ago. The campaign kind of petered out and died but the character, a Kender rogue with a Wisdom of 2 who was given a wildly and unreasonably powered magical hoopack staff by the party wizard, has always had a special place in my heart. Since the Astral Plane is supposed to connect all worlds, I saw no reason Furreltuff couldn’t end up there and lend a hand to the PC’s. 

His companion, Gnimin, is a Tinker Gnome from Krynn, thrilled to have a chance to finish a Life Quest since time does not pass on the Astral so he cannot die of age. And their companion Blash…well he’s from the Living Sea, but I freely admit he was created as a failsafe to make sure the PC’s would be able to go into the water and not instantly drown, just in case they were not prepared. For the right price he has a number of spells and magic items that will allow the PC’s to function in an underwater adventure. 

Crossover: The Earth Key part 2

Corin Ironcheek – Dwarven Bard member of the Fate Fighters. Cheery, flamboyant, eager to live life to the fullest and have fun on his latest adventure in the Astral Plane.

Delilah Farmeski – Human Cleric member of the Notorious Nine. Dour and entirely devoted to her war god, Farmesk, she is eager to bring the fight to the enemy.

Froderik Penderghast – Human Wizard member of the Notorious Nine. As excited as he is to be experiencing the Astral Plane, he is well aware of the gravity of this task. He’s still hoping he can learn a few things along the way though. His hawk familiar Mordecai is his constant companion.

Xarth – Shulsaga Spirit Ranger affiliated with the Fate Fighters. Xarth’s strange mannerisims may put off the others from the Prime Material Plane, but none can deny his combat ability or his desire to slay Githyanki.

Zenga – Human Witch member of the Notorious Nine. Fascinated by the Astral Plane and as eager to learn as Froderik (though quieter about it.) Already gleefully thinking of the ways the environment can enhance her scariest of spells. Her scorpion familiar Janis is actually her brother (don’t ask.)

Astral Plane, date unknown

After discerning the location of the Githyanki keep where the Earth Planar Key was being kept, the group continued deeper into the asteroid belt, following the directions they had been given by the captured Githyanki rider they’d interrogated. The directions proved to be good and before long they found themselves spotting a squat, stone keep sat upon one of the asteroids. Two Githyanki could be seen patrolling the ramparts.

After some discussion they decided that Corin should cast an Invisibility Sphere on himself to scout ahead to try to find the secret entrance into the keep they’d learned about. It did not take long to do so, though Corin spotted another patrol around the keep, that they would have to avoid.

Returning to his companions, Corin reported what he’d seen and they all decided it would be best to go in under the cover of Corin’s Invisibility Sphere spell so they would not be spotted. This worked like a charm, and before long they were making their way through the low, narrow, rough hewn path into the asteroid, noting that the rock was large enough to have its own gravitational pull, and that they had to move like they did on their own worlds while on it.

It did not take long for them to come upon what appeared to be a false wall. They decided to sneak towards it to open it with Xarth in the lead. Unfortunately the board upon which he rode clipped a stalagmite and it sent him spilling forward loudly.

While the others, still in Corin’s Invisilibty Sphere, froze, hoping no one had heard Xarth’s fall, the false wall opened to reveal several Githyanki within a room, peering out at the noise.

Spying only the prone Shulsaga, they began to yell in their language and ready for battle. While Xarth picked themself up and began to cast combat spells on themself, the others did likewise as they were still unseen by the enemy. The only exception was Froderik, who lobbed a fireball into the room full of Githyanki. The explosion and screams of dying Githyanki would no doubt alert the keep to their presence, but Froderik seemed confident they’d have to fight them all anyway.

The few remaining Githyanki in the room, now mortally wounded, fled tto the north, but four margoyles soon poured forth, charging Xarth, who was still in the lead of the narrow tunnel.

A Margoyle

Seeing the creature coming, however, Delileah called upon Farmesk and an ethereal sword appeared, swinging at the creature. Corin, meanwhile, cast a Grease spell to unsuccessfully trip one of the creatures, and follow up with a Glitterdust spell that blinded two of them.

Xarth, meanwhile, met the charge of the lead margoyle, cutting away with their blade while Zenga cast an Ice Storm spell that filled the entire room where the Margoyle and Githyanki bodies were with magical ice.

A door west of the room opened and two more Githyanki emerged. One of them drew his silver two handed sword and with a word of magic teleported into the narrow corridor right next to Zenga, Corin and Forderik. The other likewise drew his weapon and began slogging through the ice storm towards Xarth.

The blinded Margoyles attempted to flee, though one of them fell on Corin’s Grease spell and could not escape, the other ran north. The other two Margoyles, however, began clawing and biting at Xarth. Delilah, seeing this, commanded her magical blade to keep attacking and ran up to join the fray, wounding one of them with her morning star.

Corin, meanwhile, panicked and fell back from the Githyanki who had teleported next to him, casting a hasty spell that caused the warrior to spend time stripping off his garments while trying to fight his enemies.

Xarth, realizing that the Githyanki had managed to get into position to strike their casters, and ran to take Corin’s place and engage him, but unfortunately not before the Gith was able to stab Froderik with his greatsword. In response Froderik fell back, blasting the Githyanki with Magic Missiles.

From deeper within the keep, they began to hear horns and bells ringing. It seemed the Githyanki who had survived Froderik’s Fireball spell had managed to sound the alarm. They had no time to consider this, however, as the Margoyles began to tear into Deliealh savagely, wounding the war cleric in a flurry of teeth, claws and horns. It took more than that to fell a follower of Farmesk, however, and she retaliated with her ethereal blade and morning star, felling one of the creatures.

Corin, seeing Delilah’s wounds, charged forward with her Githyanki whip, wrapping it around the neck of the remaining Margoyle. He instinctively yanked, and with a sickening snap, the Margyle fell to the ground, it’s head at an unnatural angle as it collided hard with the stone floor.

Moments later, Xarth hacked off the hands and head of the Githyanki they were fighting in one fluid move, and Zenga used her magic to put the final Githyanki in the room to sleep.

With the apparent target left being the blind Margoyle trying unsuccessfully trying to stand in Corin’s Grease patch, Froderik blasted it with his Magic Missiles. In response the creature began yelling in the common language “No kill! No kill!”

“Well…surrender then,” Froderik said.

“Yes! Yes!” It bellowed, “I surrender. No kill!”

“Very well,” Froderik told the creature. “Flee. Go out the way we came, and do not come back, ever and you will live.”

“But…this is my home.” the Margoyle responded.

“Not anymore. Go.” Froderik said, stonefaced, though Corin seemed more sympathetic.

Wordlessly, the Margoyle stood and groped his way out through the tunnel the heroes had entered through.

Meanwhile, Delilah positioned herself near the Githyanki that Zenga had put to sleep and stove his head in with her morning star. As she did this, Xarth and Corin manuvered themselves near the door the two Githyanki had come out of while Zenga dismissed her Ice Storm spell and began to search the bodies.

Listening at the door revealed the sound of something moving beyond and Xarth threw open the door to see what was in there. Within they saw a large gargoylish creature that was over 8 feet tall and quite broad with tough, leathery, light green skin and powerful bat wings and a vaguely canine head with a pair of horns and webbed ears.

The creature seemed to be trapped within a circle of glowing sigils carved into the stone floor. He held a huge axe and seemed ready to strike anyone at any moment.

“This one found the demon,” Xarth said.

No sooner were the words out of Xarth’s mouth than all of them heard the creature’s voice in their head. Release me, it demanded. Cast Dispel Magic at the circle and I will be able to leave and slaughter the Githyanki.

Froderik and Delilah entered the room and took in the creature. Xarth spied a small box at his feet, and quickly pointed it out.

The Planar Key

They group attempted to negotiate with the demon, offering to let it out to kill Githyanki if it would give them the Planar Key, but it refused, stating it was bound to protect the Planar Key at all costs.

Realizing that with the alarm sounded that Githyanki would be upon them at any moment, the group realized they would not be able to convince the demon. Zenga studied the magic circle and cast Detect Magic, determining that any spell to be cast upon the demon would need to be cast form within.

Concluding that they would need to defeat the demon, Xarth started the fight by entering the circle and engaging the creature so that Delielah could try to banish the creature. The plan worked perfectly, as Corin sang a song to shake the creatures confidence, Delilah stepped into the circle and called upon Farmesk to banish the creature back to the hells from which it came. The creature vanished in a flash of divine magic.

They had little time to celebrate, however, as Corin heard sounds form the other passage out of the area and was suddenly struck by two arrows. Glancing up he realized the Githyanki had formed up and were coming for them now.

“Ow! They’re here!” he cried.

Froderik called for them to withdraw to the room the demon was in, and they quickly did. Closing the door, Froderik deployed Mordechai to secure the Planar Key and cast Hold Portal upon the door, but warned it would not hold for long.

Xarth explored the rest of the room to determine if there was another way out of the room, but it was a dead end. Meanwhile Mordechai attempted to lift the Planar Key. It seemed as if a force was keeping it in place and as the hawk lifted it the others could see a muddy brown magical energy flowing into the center of the circle and seemingly tethered by a black energy. Fortunately Mordechai was able to pull it free, though the magical backlash injured the hawk.

“Gather here,” Zenga called, as the Githyanki began to pound on the doors. “Froderik and I can teleport us out of here.” Xarth, Corin, and Delilah approached them and Zenga teleported them out immediately to the safe haven where they first appeared on the Astral Plane. A moment later Mordechai dropped the Planar Key in Froderik’s hands and, though tempted to teleport elsewhere to claim the power of the Planer Key for himself, he instead followed suit, appearing with his companions a moment later.

The asteroid was as empty as the other groups had not yet returned from their missions. Only Sir Imlott was present, as he’d stayed behind to guard the safe haven. He limped his way to them, inquiring after the mission.

With a huge sigh of relief, they reported their success.

DM’s Notes: Despite the players making a mess of the initial approach, they actually managed to turn the attack into something of a precisions strike. They got in, fought their way to their goal, secured it quickly and teleported out before the entirety of the fortress’ defenders were upon them (albeit barely.)

The Highlights of the battle was surely Corin’s instakill of the Margolye with a whip he was not proficient in (the player rolled two 20’s in a row) and Delilah being able to banish the Nycademon (she only beat it’s Spell Resistance by 1 and it only failed its subsequent saving throw by 1).

The heroes can only hope the acquisition of the Water and Fire keys goes as well…

Crossover: The Earth Key Part 1

Corin Ironcheek – Dwarven Bard member of the Fate Fighters. Cheery, flamboyant, eager to live life to the fullest and have fun on his latest adventure in the Astral Plane.

Delilah Farmeski – Human Cleric member of the Notorious Nine. Dour and entirely devoted to her war god, Farmesk, she is eager to bring the fight to the enemy.

Froderik Penderghast – Human Wizard member of the Notorious Nine. As excited as he is to be experiencing the Astral Plane, he is well aware of the gravity of this task. He’s still hoping he can learn a few things along the way though. His hawk familiar Mordecai is his constant companion.

Xarth – Shulsaga Spirit Ranger affiliated with the Fate Fighters. Xarth’s strange mannerisims may put off the others from the Prime Material Plane, but none can deny his combat ability or his desire to slay Githyanki.

Zenga – Human Witch member of the Notorious Nine. Fascinated by the Astral Plane and as eager to learn as Froderik (though quieter about it.) Already gleefully thinking of the ways the environment can enhance her scariest of spells. Her scorpion familiar Janis is actually her brother (don’t ask.)

Date unknown, Astral Plane

With both teams split up, the ones going after the Planer Key of Earth, made for the asteroid field where they’d been told it was in a Githyanki keep.

Although Froderik and Delilah still had a bit of trouble navigating through the Astral Plane at first, they quickly got the hang of it, thanks to a few tips from Xarth and Corin. Before long they were making great time through the strange, starry void.

The Astral Plane

After a while (none could say exactly how long as time was something of a fluid concept on the Astral) they saw a portal open. From it emerged what appeared to be copies of themselves, only wearing different clothes and hairstyles.

The two groups stared at one another for a moment or two before the newly arrived Froderik simply said, “It’s probably best not to think about it.,” and another portal opened and pulled them through.

The group stood around for a moment staring at each other before Froderik voiced an agreement to his counterpart’s suggestion and they were on their way again.

During the journey Corin attempted to strike up a conversation with Delilah and Zenga, but neither of the women are what one might call chatty, so he mostly just talked about his past trip to the Astral for awhile.

Eventully they came upon an astroid in the distance that seemed to have vegitation upon it. It was a small garden, and next to it was a cozy looking house and a chicken coop, the birds milling around in there enclosure.

“Is this sort of thing normal?” Froderik asked Xarth, as he was a native of the Astral Plane.

“It is not unheard of,” the shulsaga answered. “This one’s own home of Xorl’qoldeesh is an asteroid containing it’s own ecosystem. It is not common, however.”

“We should check it out!” Corin declared, but the rest of the group was wary.

They crept just close enough to cast divinations, where they felt strong senses of Transmutation magic, especially from the chickens.

“Those chickens are not chickens,” Froderik immediately declared.

Before anyone could perform any more discussion, an old woman came out of the cottage and waved to them cheerily.

The old woman

“Come on over,” she called to the group, who was still sixty feet away, the farthest they could still be and cast their divination spells. “Come join me for lunch,” she declared. “I have fresh chicken dumplings and soup!”

Corin was eager to immediately do so, but the rest of the group overruled him, and they departed, promising Corin they’d stop on the way back if he still wanted to later.

After another indeterminate amount of time flying through the void they began to reach the edges of an asteroid field. Soon enough they spotted a trio of figures riding on Nightmares flying vaguely in their direction.


Everyone took cover behind a nearby asteroid, but Froderik and Zenga’s lack of stealth abilities betrayed them. The mounts stopped a fair distance away once the rider’s spotted them.

From behind the astroid the others peeked out and Xarth hissed as he identified the riders. “Githyanki,” he spat.

Githyanki Riders, Corin liked their fashion sense.

“You two,” the head rider declared, obviously only seeing Froderik and Zenga. “You are in our territory. Come with us for interrogation so we can determine you are not spies.”

“No,” Froderik answered dismissively, “No, we shan’t be doing that, thank you.”

“It was not a request,” the Githyanki called back. “You will obey my orders or you will die.”

“You should really just let us on our way, we don’t want to have to slay you,” Froderik retorted.

“Very well, you have chosen death,” the Githyanki said, drawing his weapon and ordering his companions to attack. The Nightmares charged forward.

Waiting for the moment things disintegrated into violence, Xarth immediately sprang into action, flying out on his disk and immediately clashing with the head Githyanki, nearly killing him in one pass.

The two remaining Githyanki cast spells and teleported to either side of the party, evidently hoping to crush them in a pincher move. Froderik immediately cast Slow on them and followed up with granting Mordechai the ability to channel ice with his claw attacks. The hawk immediately flew to one of the Githyanki riders, clawing furiously at the warrior’s head.

Delilah drew her morning star and smashed one of the Nightmares while Zenga transformed into an old woman and cast Wall of Blindness in a circle around them, blinding both of the Githyanki.

Corin, drawing a Githyanki whip he got from his last trip to the astral, used it to pull one of the riders out of his saddle. Corin impressed himself with this, as he’d never used a whip outside of the bedroom before.

Froderik blasted the Githyanki still mounted with a Ray of Frost while Mordechai continued to use his frosty claws to scratch at the rider’s face.

Xarth, slew the Githyanki he had engaged and wounded his Nightmare. “We should keep one alive,” Froderik called to the lethally effective Shulsaga.

The Nightmares all belched clouds of smoke on the group, leaving them coughing and unable to see through the haze, but otherwise unaffected. The mounts took advantage of the distraction to flee. Xarth pursued the mounted Nightmare, slaying it’s rider.

Delilah floated over to the remaining Githyanki, the one Corin had pulled off his mount, and began to beat him with her morning star, and she was soon joined by Forderik who had drawn his quarterstaff to join in. They were soon joined by Zarth who flew in and knocked the Githyanki unconscious with a brutal blow to the head with the pommel of his sword.

“This one has left him alive,” the shulsaga declared.

With the fight over, the group decided to take their prisoner and relocate on a different asteroid. Soon enough they had their prisoner bound and Delilah reluctantly healed him so he would wake up and be questioned.

It turns out the Githyanki did not speak any of the common languages, but he did speak Draconic, which both Froderik and Delilah could speak. The interrogation proceeded with difficulty, as the blinded Githyanki refused to divulge so much as his name, urging them to kill him as he had not only failed his commander but as also blind and therefore could not be a warrior any longer.

“How can we get this guy to talk,” Froderik wondered in frustration.

“Torture?” Delilah suggested.

“I didn’t prepare my torture spells today,” Zenga lamented.

“No, we can’t torture–” Froderick started in frustration before stopping. “Wait, Edella’s not here. Ok, yea we can torture him. I might feel bad later but we need the information.”

“Like, really torture or just threaten to torture,” Corin asked, seemingly a little confused. “Like, we threated to torture a guy once by making him wake up in an S&M dungeon I decorated but then Wu just talked to him and threatened him a bunch.”

“Actual torture,” Zenga and Delilah affirmed quickly.

“Do we have any other option?” Froderik asked. “What do you think Xarth, what will break this guy.”

“Githyanki are brutal and violent,” Xarth pointed out. “But and they follow a strict code of honor that is just as ruthless and cold. But his their arrogance and pride are paramount. Githyanki do not value life, even their own, but they value their honor. He will not want to face further dishonor.”

“I’ve got it!” Froderik said, before addressing the prisoner again in Draconic. “Tell what we want to know or we will take you as a slave and present you before your fellow Githyanki in chains. The shame of your defeat will be compounded.”

“No!” The Githyanki yelled, addressing Froderik with is blinded eyes. “You must not do this!”

Ultimately the prisoner agreed to answer their questions of they promised not to present him to his compatriots in defeat and to cure his blindness. They learned the location of the Gith keep, that it was manned by two dozen gith, as well as a small dragon that their commander had subdued, and that there were margoyles and a roper in the keep, as well as a demon of some sort that they did not control. Most importantly, they learned that there was a secret entrance to the keep through the asteroid it was built upon.

Securing the Githyanki’s ropes, they shoved him into a crevasse on the asteroid so he would not be seen. “We will still free you and fix your eyes, like we promised, but later. after we have performed our mission.”

“You are a liar and lack honor,” the Githyanki spat, but Froderik just ignored him as they flew off towards the keep.

GM’s Notes: A good start to the Crossover experiment. Since not every player had a character on every team, we had discussed with our group how they wanted to proceed. Ultimately we decided on going back and forth with each session trying to get a little of each adventure into each session. That plan was immediately blown out of the water when one of our players could not make the next two sessions, so we focused on the Earth encounter for a couple of sessions first.

The Gith patrol went down fast, hampered by status effects galore thanks to the casters in the party. Although a mid level ranger fighting their chosen enemy certainly helped, as the Githyanki Knights were fed into the blender that was Xarth.

Corin’s disappointment at not getting to visit the chicken lady amused me, as did his inexplicable skill with a whip. It should be noted that Corin does not have a proficiency with whip and takes the normal penalties, he just rolled extremely high.

Crossover (Continued)

Froderik Penderghast – Male Human Wizard. Logical and self-important wizard. Accompanied by his hawk familiar, Mordecai. 

Raskin Daggermaw – Male Half-Orc Rogue. Huge, muscular braggadocios letch who is especially good at stabbing folks, if not interpersonal skills. Bastard son of Duke Riffin Etiamond. Wields Onyx Razor

Dame Edella Montfort – Female Human Paladin of Vesper and Baronial Knight of Wrellen. Somewhat sheltered and naïve but always out to help anyone she comes across and punish evil. Currently wields the Mermaid’s Spear. Still angry at Raskin.

Zenga – Female Human Witch. Accompanied by her scorpion familiar (and brother) Janis. Getting truly terrifying as her powers continue to grow. 

Beybulat “Bey” Tasho – Male Human Swashbuckler. A barbarian from the Plains of Galmar. Misses home badly, but does not want to abandon (some of) his new companions. 

Delilah Farmeski – Female Human Cleric of Farmesk. A battle nun from the Eastern Realms who worships the God of War. As always, eager to smash her enemies in Farmesk’s name. Now wielding the Stouthammer.

Ronald “Ron” Cunningham – Male Halfling Bard. A wandering halfling poet from Roadshire. Since joining his magic and bardsongs have been as appreciated as his cheery attitude.

[Date and Place unknown]

Although Dillman and another mysterious figure appeared on the field, the fight continued to rate as the two figures sized one another up. 

Beybulat continued to ferociously attack the small bald man he’d been fighting, dealing him a number of grievous wounds. The little fellow did stood firm, however, managing to trip the Galmarian and kick him while he was on the ground. 

Meanwhile Delilah, still under the effect of her Air Walk spell looked down on the field and called upon Farmesk to strike the flamboyant dwarf, the summoned celestial elf creature, the half-elven archer woman and the unconscious middle aged man with fire. The middle aged man was burned to a crisp and surely dead, but the others were merely badly wounded. 

In response, the half-elven woman ran to the now dead man and took a green stone necklace pouch while Zenga cast an illusion spell on the flamboyant dwarf that left him near death and screaming in terror. The half-elf male seemed to mutter an apology at the dwarf and ran up to the other half elf and teleport across the field with her. Ron, however, saw where they teleported to and cast a Glitterdust spell on them, blinding the woman and making it so both would still be visible even if they cast Invisibility spells upon themselves. 

Meanwhile, the elven woman who had been fighting Sir Imlott was seemed to realize he was ordering her to surrender and she sheathed her weapon. In response Sir Imlott told her to command her companions to stand down. 

At that moment Dillman, seemingly confused by the presence of the other men and the group that was fighting our heroes, cast a spell that seemed to stop time for everyone…except for the other mysterious figure. That man was completely unaffected. 

The other mysterious figure

That figure cast a spell of his own, but to those frozen they seemed to be moving superhumanly fast. The figure and Dillman began to converse and in what seemed to be sped up time slowly stood down from combat stances and talked at some length, seeming to reach an accord. 

Soon the two figures reverted to normal speed and Dillman waved a hand, allowing the others to move and speak. “Please, stand down,” he said. “There has been a grave misunderstanding.”

“Misunderstanding?!” Raskin barked in frustration. 

“People are dead!” the flamboyant dwarf wailed dramatically. 

“Yes,” Dillman said. “This place was chosen for a reason, I thought I was the only one who knew of it. Give it a moment.” 

Within a few moments the decapitated body of the purple figure began to grow a new head and hands and the rest of the dead began to twitch and return to life. Within a minute or so they were all standing again, albeit somewhat worse for wear. 

“None slain here can truely die if their body remains here. It is an odd quirk of this astroid. I suspect it has some tenuous connection to the Elemental Plan of Life.” 

Once the previously fallen were ready to continue, Dillman continued speaking. “I have talked with Aquibius here,” he said, gesturing to the mysterious figure “and am convinced something of a cosmic coincidence has occurred.” 

Aquibius, his voice a strange lilting sing-song kind of sound, then spoke up to the group of strangers who had moments ago been battling our heroes. “Fate Fighters, I apologize for the abrupt manner in which you were brought here, but forces of great evil are on the march and the hour grows late. Thus I dispense with the charade of muteness and reveal to you what Fynnhanar and Ferneth already know. I am Irda, last guardian of the Way. However we must leave that for another time. 

I summoned you here because I, and other beings of power,” he said gesturing to Dillman “felt a great tremor in the weave of reality.” 

“It’s true,” Dillman took over. “A powerful liche named Malvius seems to be on the precipice of claiming enough power to threaten every known world. He has made his headquarters on the body of a dead god and erected protections that will block anyone powerful enough to stop him from getting near him. He is further powered by three Planar Keys that he is drawing power from and will use in his final ritual.” 

“He sought a fourth key,” Aquibius explained to the other group, the Fate Fighters evidently, “but it was seized and ultimately recovered by you before it could be delivered to him.” 

“We will need you to destroy or recover the existing keys to cut off Malvius’ ability to access their power before striking him directly. Because we will need to seize or destroy them around the same time, it will require three groups to go to three locations, one of Earth one of Fire and one of Water.”

“Dibs on the fire,” said the half-elf man with the Fate Fighters. 

“Yes, well we are going to perform some additional divinations to try to narrow down the locations of the Planar Keys. In the meantime you should all rest here, recover your spells and get to know one another so you can determine who should go after which key.” With that Dillman and Aquibius vanished. 

The groups began to speak and the Fate Fighters introduced themselves. The half elves were twin siblings, a ranger named Fernith (Fern for short) and a sorcerer named Fynnhanar (or Fynn). The middle aged man was a cleric named Jasper Conroy, the elf who turned into a tiger was a druid named Elriel (but was called “Opal” for some reason), the elf woman was named Kelathadan (but went by Kelli), the flamboyant dwarf was a bard named Corin Ironcheek, the bald human was a monk named Wu Xen and the tall purple creature was a native to the Astral Plane, a shulsaga named Xarth. 

Froderik presented himself, offering his full litany of titles. Wu responded simply with a bow and a declaration of “I am Wu.” 

As they spoke Bey and Wu complimented one another’s combat prowess, Sir Imlott apologized profusely for slaying Xarth based on a misunderstanding, and Froderik, Fynn and Zenga began immediately comparing notes on their various magical styles and techniques, which promptly devolved into ways to trade magical spells with one another. Although initially disdainful of Fynn since he was a sorcerer, he soon decided he might be “one of the few good ones” when he offered to give the wizard a spellbook of a vanquished enemy he’d been carting around without much ability to use. 

After a fair amount of discussion and planning they eventually decided on what groups should go to collect each planar Key. 

After several hours for the groups to rest Dillman and Aquibius returned to reveal the results of their divinations. 

The Water Key was housed somewhere in the Living Sea. Dillman explained that the Living Sea was an area of the Astral Plane where a rift that connected to another world caused a sea to pour into the Astral, creating an enormous bubble of water that had its own aquatic ecosystem. “Some say the other side of the rift goes direct to the Elemental Plane of Water, others say it’s just to a world with a huge ocean. Ultimately it does not matter for our purposes,” he said. 

Dillman explained that his divinations for this key were very difficult, and all that he could say was that someone named Furrel was a wanderer in or near the Living Sea and may have information that can help. 

Edella, Wu, Opal, Raskin and Ron stated that they would travel there to secure the Water Key

Dillman went on to explain that the Earth key was being housed on an astroid with a keep on it manned by Githyanki warriors. They did not know where within the keep the key was or how many Githyanki were there, but he suggested caution. 

Corin, Delilah, Zenga, Froderik and Xarth agreed to go to the Githyanki keep. Xarth particularly seemed gratified at the chance to fight some Githyanki. 

Last, but not least, Aquibius stated that he had located the Fire Key in the Ith’thannok Expanse. He suggested that there was a wizard named Wrylish who lived on the Astral Plane and should be able to provide directions. 

Jasper, Fern, Fynn, Beybulat and Kelli stated that they would travel there to secure the Fire Key. 

Sir Imlott lamented that with his injuries and slow pace because of them, he would be a hindrance and as such would remain behind and ensure they had a safe harbor to return to. 

With that, Aquibius and Dillman said that they would continue to cast obfuscations to help prevent Malvius from determining what they were up to. 

And with that, each of the three groups headed off towards their destinations, after a brief crash course on how to navigate through the Astral Plane for Wu and the Notorious Nine, as none of them had ever been to the Astral before.

DM Notes: This session finished up the fight, which was always designed to be ended by Dillman and Aquibius so they could provide the exposition of the larger threat. There was some good RP of the teams meeting and watching them figure out who should go where was neat as well. 

It was nice to see my players realize that this was a much larger plan than just the two teams fighting and that was it. I don’t think some of them realized that Tim and I had planned what amounted to an actual campaign!

One of the downsides is that with the teams split up, we have to decide how to try to incorporate all players in each group which is, frankly, not really possible. Fortunately our players are awesome and are willing to spectate if they don’t have a character in the group. To try to make it so someone has at least some play time, one thing we all agree on is in each session we’ll try to visit each of the dungeons, splitting the sessions up so everybody gets a chance to play. 

The experiment continues next time…